Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hi Humans,
I want to talk about immigration today, both human and dog immigration. There were native American humans and domesticated dogs living here before the arrival of European humans and their dogs. Even the native American humans migrated from Eurasia many many thousands of years ago. How long dogs have been here is unknown, but there could not have been domesticated dogs before there were humans to whom they were domesticated. Immigration is normal and desirable. Immigrant humans are generally hard working, upwardly mobile, and energetic. After all they usually migrate for the purpose of making a better life for themselves and their descendants with great sacrifice for doing it, and therefore do not want to waste that effort frivolously. They bring energy to a nation and contribute greatly to the nation's prosperity. I don't know my exact ancestry, but we present day American dogs are probably mostly descended from immigrant dogs who came over with humans. We also bring value to America just as you humans do and are participants in this great American adventure. So, when humans like Trump say they want to put up barriers to immigration, he is not protecting American humans (or American dogs). He is promoting weakness and inhibiting progress.

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