Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Emma Thompson / Boycott Shakespeare??

Hi Humans, particularly Ms. Emma Thompson,
Recently in the news, it was written that a number of British theater people objected to the Globe Theater inviting the Habima Theater of Israel to perform at the Globe Theater because a few of Habima's performance were at a Jewish West Bank settlement. Ms. Thompson, I am directing this letter specifically to you because I never heard of the other people listed, and I actually have enjoyed your movie performances and consider you a great actress.
Ms. Thompson, if one were to follow your logic, then one should boycott the writings of William Shakespeare. After all, Shakespeare wrote in 16th Century England at a time when England was colonizing far away lands, killing and enslaving their native inhabitants. I am not aware that Shakespeare did any protesting against those misdeeds. In fact, he glorified England. The misdeeds done by England at that time were not to protect the existence of England but rather for greed.
Israel is a small country surrounded by nations and people who demonize Jews in their schools and who believe a Jewish nation is an anomaly in their midst. Israelis look around them and see chaos and cruelty in their neighbors. I do not agree with some of the decisions made by the current Israeli government including expansion of settlements. But no nation in this world is always correct. I do not live in Israel and am not personally faced with the existential danger that Israel faces. To attack cultural and academic Israeli institutions is counterproductive and attacks the most progressive voices in Israel.
As a dog living in a Jewish home, I can only hope that at some future time the Israeli and Palestinian people will make the necessary compromises to make a better life for everyone concerned. But it will require painful compromises on both sides. Boycotts against either side will not cause it to happen.
Anyway, I will still appreciate the work of William Shakespeare because boycotting him won't change anything (and incidentally the play to be performed by Habima was written by Shakespeare). Even my little doggie brain knows that.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Diplomacy and War

Hi Humans,
We dogs sometimes have disputes with each other as individuals, but not on the massive scale as you humans. Your disputes involve groups of millions of humans. We fight with claws and teeth. But you guys fight with guns and bombs and explosions. You have large armies and sneaky groups of terrorists.  And you have these diplomacy games where each side has a different view of reality, and each side dances and maneuvers around to get the most out of the other. Also national pride and religious differences get involved and supercede the interests of ordinary individuals. It boggles the mind of a little dog like me. But I have to live in this world that you create. So I hope you can solve your problems and not destroy all of us.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Legalization of Marijuana?

Hi Humans,
You humans often allow politics and social feelings to decide real issues rather than practicalities. An example is the issue of marijuana and other "recreational" drugs. "Conservatives" tend to be opposed to any changes in the present system of regarding marijuana possession criminal. Other humans who consider themselves "progressive" favor legalization of marijuana in all cases and suggest that marijuana is not harmful. Trying to be objective, a perusal of PubMed will show articles that say marijuana can be harmful to the nervous system. The governor of California has pretty much said the same thing in opposition to legalizing marijuana. On the other hand, the present situation of criminalizing drugs has given criminals an opportunity to enter a business where honest merchants are barred, leaving the field open to the criminals.
So, this is what this dog recommends for you humans. Make marijuana and other drugs, tobacco, and firearms available to humans in a very restricted highly taxed way. They should be forbidden to children (including teenagers). Possession and use must be registered with the government. Misuse by anyone (especially children and teenagers) makes the registered owner liable for whatever harm is caused by them. Tax money received is to be all used to cure people of their addictions and to fight drug and gun cartels (none may be diverted for other purposes no matter how needed). In other words, partial legalization should not be construed as approval of drugs, tobacco, and firearms, but rather as a tool to counteract them.

Another Child Killed by a Gun

Hi Humans,
I hear in the news that 3 brothers in Cincinnati were playing with a gun they found in the house of their uncle. One pulled the trigger and the 8 year old brother was shot and later died. This is a clear case of negligence. Negligence by whoever owned the gun. Negligence by the lawmakers of Ohio for lax gun laws. Negligence by the NRA and other gun bullies for fighting against any attempt at gun safety. The law should state that if a gun causes harm to anyone, the owner of the gun should be severely punished. It should be illegal for a gun owner to give or sell a gun to anyone or allow anyone to use the gun without registering the transfer with the police. Any gun should be re-registered regularly with the police and if lost the owner should be receive a jail sentence.