Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Squeaky Wheel

Hi Humans,
It seems that humans who are the loudest, most selfish, and most uncompromising seem to be heard and get their way more often than those who are realistic (the “squeaky wheel”effect). We dogs don’t seem to get away with that kind of behavior. An uncooperative dog often ends up at the pound and eventually… Well, I don’t like to talk about it. Nice dogs (like me) do better at survival (and it does not hurt to be cute like me either).
This “squeaky” wheel effect can occur on a small personal scale. An example would be the human who always gets his or her way because humans around him or her give in to avoid the withering fire shooting out at them from his or her tongue.
On a domestic political scale, political groups with the most extreme and uncompromising ideas have recently taken over politics in our country. It is amazing to see the foolish ideas that otherwise intelligent humans with big brains will believe and accept as normal.
The same is true internationally. Look at the recent war in Gaza. Hamas, which uncompromisingly believes that it can conquer Israel and turn all of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea into a Fundamentalist Moslem Arab country in which Jews are either absent or reduced to a subservient minority, caused or supported the murder of 3 Jewish teenagers near Jerusalem. One could say it is crazy for a Jew to hitchhike across any part of the West Bank (real or perceived), but that is no excuse for murder. It seems that the murderers did this to stir up animosity between Jews and Arabs. And they were successful in their goal. Some Jews with “goyishe kopfs” accommodated Hamas with a pogrom against Arabs in East Jerusalem. And even worse, some pinhead Jewish murderers grabbed an Arab teenager and murdered him in a rather grisly way. This gave Hamas the excuse they were seeking to beef up their rockets across the border creating a situation where the Israeli government had no alternative and had to go to war with bombs and shells and when that didn’t work a ground invasion to destroy rocket sites and tunnels. Of course that resulted in the death of about 2000 Palestinians (apparently acceptable in the Hamas plan) and about 70 Israelis. It also was convenient for anti-semites in Europe and elsewhere outside of the region to attack Jews and call for boycotts of Israel.

So where are the sane humans in all of this? Why are they pulled to the brink and beyond by the crazies? They did exist in the 1990s when there was a climate of reconciliation and compromise on both sides leading up to the Clinton/Barak Plan which would have brought peace and the creation of a Palestinian state next to Israel. Yasser Arafat fumbled the ball because he lacked the courage to make the deal, creating a tinder box to which Ariel Sharon lit a match with his unannounced visit to the Dome of the Rock, to which the crazies on the Arab side responded with an intifada of suicide bombers. Then the sane humans on both sides just allowed themselves to be dragged along into endless conflict.

And those are just a few example of how you gullibles act. Well Humans, I don’t have an answer to your problems. After all, I’m just a dog. Maybe some day the sane ones among you (who I hope are really the majority) will get together and figure it out.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Voting Rights for Dogs

Hi Humans,
Wilk, the assemblyman who represents Porter Ranch (where I live) in the California State Assembly, is openly against high speed rail for California and asks on his web site if one is for or against the the Second Amendment (mantra for gun screwballs). You humans elected this guy from the Stone Age. And you humans with your big brains pretend to be smarter than us dogs. Well, the evidence shows otherwise. Maybe if we dogs could vote, our piece of the earth would be better represented.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some Intelligent Humans Support Gun Control

Hi Humans,
I would like to recommend a web site that shows that there are humans who really do have big brains and are at least as smart as us dogs. Please see the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Kroger Allows Open Gun Carry

Hi Humans,
Did you know that Everytown for Gun Safety has revealed that Kroger stores allow open carry of guns? Well, you humans can show your displeasure by shopping elsewhere. I recommend Everytown for Gun Safety for keeping up with gun safety news.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Life Can Be Boring

Hi Humans,
Life for a dog can be boring. I wait around all day for a little attention from Mom and Dad. But I should not complain. I get fed regularly 2 times a day. I get my insulin shot followed by a massage 2 times a day. I have my own room (although it doubles as a laundry room). I have a doggie door which leads out to my patio (also known as the side yard) any time during the day when I need to relieve myself or desire some fresh air or need some room for exercise. And for more serious exercise, Dad takes me for a walk before bed time each night. You know life isn't really so bad. There are humans in this world who would find my life a step up. And as for me, I am happy that as a middle aged dog with diabetes I am living with a family whom I love and who love me. Life can always be better, but it can always be worse. Happiness is coming to terms with reality.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Concentrating on the Little Stuff over the Big Stuff

Hi Humans,
You humans have a habit if concentrating on little stuff and ignoring what is really important. There was a discussion on the television show, the View, today which was titled something like the "U.S. versus Israel." The Republican lady sitting on the right claimed that the Obama administration has stood less with Israel than previous administrations. I very much disagree with her. There actually has been more military cooperation between Israel and the U.S. lately than any time in the past. Some of the other ladies complained about Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, telling U.S. Secretary of State Kerry not to second guess him which they say was disrespectful to the U.S. The U.S. Ambassador to Israel when asked yesterday on television about this remark correctly said he would not comment on a private conversation between governments. I am an American Jewish dog. I am a fan of President Obama and of Israel. I do not expect both governments to always be in lock step agreement. Friends can disagree, in fact at times should disagree, can say things in private (even dumb things), and still be friends. Magnifying this slight blip on the screen which was supposed to be private takes away from the important stuff. The important stuff is that the U.S. and Israel are staunch allies. Both countries are democracies and share values. When Hamas broke the recent truce, President Obama pointed out Hamas as the culprit. Prime Minister Netanyahu does not always say things in the most diplomatic way, but his remarks are nothing compared to the push back the U.S. has received from the "friendly" governments of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Who is Israel's Real Friend?

Hi Humans,
Some humans have a way of slanting things to further a secondary gain and other humans believe them. For example, some politicians who don’t like President Obama for whatever reason and want to win over certain people like us Jews ( I consider myself to be Jewish even though I am a dog because I live in a Jewish home) by saying he is against Israel and even insinuating that he favors Hamas in the present crisis. This is blatantly not true. The politicians who oppose our president can talk the talk but Mr. Obama can walk the walk. Obama and Netanyahu can at times disagree on specific issues as friends can do. Some Republicans can parrot Netanyahu with emptiness underneath their words. When the chips are down, it is Obama who speaks the truth and has Israel’s back. The reality is that military cooperation between the U.S.A. and Israel has been at its highest since Obama has been president. When Hamas broke the last truce that Secretary Kerry and others had so painstakingly put together, President Obama openly laid the blame squarely on the culprit (Hamas). And who actually facilitated the installation of Hamas as the leadership in Gaza in the first place if not the Republican Bush administration? Bush’s secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, believed that if given the opportunity all people would choose democracy and make the right choices (the same logic that drew us into the Iraq debacle) . She was wrong! The Bush administration pushed for early Palestinian elections, and surprise surprise they elected the bad guys (Hamas). Then realizing their blunder, the Bush administration supported a civil war between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza, but surprise again, Hamas won, cementing the position of the bad guys even more. So who is Israel’s real friend?

Humans Can Be Gullible

Hello Humans,
Terrorist leaders often sit behind the lines or in tunnels below the ground and figure out how to send their fellow humans as pawns to fight as killers, suicide bombers, or simply allow them to be human shields to protect their weaponry. This is what Hamas is doing in Gaza today as it has happened so many times before. And for what? Some abstract goal that does not serve the real interests of the pawns. Do the low level militants and ordinary people in Gaza really think that they can destroy Israel and all its people? And if they could, what would they really gain? And they think dogs are stupid? We dogs would never be so gullible.