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Friday, May 27, 2016


Hi Humans,
So what are the issues in the US presidential election. One should continue the progress made by President Obama in domestic and foreign affairs. The economy should continue to improve. NAFTA, TPP, and other trade agreements between the US and other nations are essential to the economy. Income equality should be promoted as much as is practical so that all the citizens of the US can share in the good economy. The earth needs to be protected from the side effects of economic growth. Climate change is real, not some conspiracy theory. The world is threatened by terrorists without boundaries who use religion to justify evil agendas. Defeating them involves fighting them with ideas as well as guns and bombs. And sanity can defeat their insanity if the sane humans in this world can come together and put aside the nonsense that separates them. The clock is ticking before the crazies get their grubby hands on nuclear weapons. So the stakes are high in the elections. Which candidate is best equipped to meet the challenges? Trump is a xenophobic narcissist followed by gullible bigots and now joined by cowards who have jumped on the Trump train to save their personal interests. Bernie Sanders offers quick fixes to dreamers. Hillary Clinton is a realistic progressive with the best shot at doing things right for America and Humanity (and we dogs live here too). Let's hope that once we get past the California Primary, the Democrats and other rational humans can coalesce behind Hillary and win the election.

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