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Tuesday, May 17, 2016


     Hi Human Republicans

So now you have a presumptive nominee whom you don’t really like, but you will hold your nose and support him. Well it’s your fault for creating your Frankentrump. For some time, especially the last 7 years of the Obama presidency, you have been cultivating a closet bigotry that tied many blue collar white men to a Republican party that did not represent their actual interests. You won’t consciously admit it, but when you encouraged hatred of President Obama, you were unleashing racist ideas (like questioning the American birth of the President). The idea of an intelligent cultivated black man as president does not set well with less intellectual white men who make up a significant part of the Republican constituents (as demonstrated by the result of your primary election). Let us hope that Hillary Clinton will beat your Frankentrump in the general election. Frankentrump can then be locked back in his cage, the Republican party can un-radicalize back to moderate constructive conservatism, and America can get back to normal two party politics the next time around.

As a dog, I find your human politics funny. However the outcome can be very serious and can even affect the rest of us creatures on this earth.


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