Hi Humans,

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Hi Humans,
Let me remind you that 7 years ago, the Republican administration under President Bush almost destroyed the capitalist system in the USA (and the world) by lowering taxes for the very rich people and making a counter productive war in Iraq without raising taxes to pay for it. The Republicans claim that lowering taxes helps the economy? Well the facts certainly did not support their theory. Then Obama came in and saved the capitalist system from collapse. It was painful, but he did it. The Republicans complained because he did not produce immediate results. What did they expect? Their destruction was very deep.
Socialism and capitalism are just two different ways of distributing services, products, and compensation. Some humans extol socialism as a perfect system, the more the better. Others hate socialism and say only capitalism is perfect, the less government the better. I'll tell you, Humans, the truth is probably somewhere in between. Capitalism if properly controlled works. That's why even communist countries like China have embraced it. But either system, if allowed to run amuck, can be devastating. North Korea is a monstrosity not because it is socialist, but because it is ruled by a xenophobic dynasty of dictators who now have acquired nuclear weapons. The US economy did not run off the track 7 years ago because of capitalism, but rather because the Republican administration and some very greedy Humans abused it.
Capitalism and social liberalism are a work in progress. There is no perfect system. You try this and that, discard whatever does not work, and continue whatever does work. It should be the job of Progressives to push new ideas and of Conservatives to say "just a minute there, is that really better?" The goal is to move forward incrementally improving on what has already been accomplished. That is why I appreciate the work of President Obama and hope that Hillary Clinton will be the next president to build on that work.
But what do I know, I'm just a little dog. You humans have the big brains.

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