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Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hi Democratic Humans,
So it looks like Hillary is on the way to winning the nomination of the Democratic party. Now is the time for the party to pull together. Bernie Sanders Humans, your effort was not for nothing. You have already pulled Hillary and the party to the left. If the Bernie movement hadn't happened no one would have known you were there. Basically, the Hillary Humans and the Bernie Humans have the same goals, gun control, minimum wage, affordable health care for all, affordable college tuition without crushing student loans, the freedom to be whoever you are (straight, gay, transgender, whatever), the freedom for a woman to make decisions concerning her own body, etc. The differences between Bernie and Hillary and have been the path to reach those goals. The Bernie has greased the wheels to get there faster, and Hillary has the ability to make it happen. As for wealthy contributors, why not as long as they don't take advantage? There's room for all on the bus who have their eyes on the goal, even moderate Republicans who want some sanity. As for the Republican party, it looks liked they have settled on Trump. Hillary will mop the floor with him if the Democrats stick together. Under his bluster, Trump is a loser.

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