Hi Humans,

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Sunday, September 11, 2016


Hi Humans,

Trump and his surrogates continue to harp on Clinton’s emails and Ben Ghazi, without any proof of guilt. They do it because they don’t have anything substantive to say. Put aside the Trump University scam, Trump’s bribing of the Florida Attorney General, the Trump Modeling Agency scam, the many bankruptcies leaving others holding the bag, stiffing contractors, belching out bigotry to appeal to his base, and favoring tyrants. Clinton is seasoned, knowledgeable, focused, honest, and prepared. Trump is scattered, unprepared, egotistical, and unpredictable. Clinton is favored by minorities because she has worked with them for decades. Clinton is favored by solid corporate America because she promotes a well regulated orderly market place with concern that all strata of the community share in its benefits. Trump and the tea party favor deregulation for the quick buck artists who collapsed America’s economy 7 ½ years ago (until President Obama came in and saved capitalism). No wonder Trump is behind. As Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” That’s why Trump is behind.


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