Hi Humans,

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Friday, September 9, 2016


Hi Humans,

As a politically slightly left of center, religiously non-fundamentalist, American Jewish Zionist little dog, I am concerned about the extremism pulling apart human Jews in Israel, America, and the rest of the world as well as all the other humans in Israel/Palestine, America, and the rest of the world. Leaving out us dogs and other conscious creatures (as usual), the Left claims to speak for the welfare of all humans, but the extreme left is unfortunately selective as to which humans’ welfare counts. For example, “black lives matter” is a noble cause, but the organization that calls itself Black Lives Matter has recently digressed from their primary cause of ‘black lives matter” by bashing Israel in its charter. I also have issues with the present rightist government in Israel and with the settler movement, but to single out Israel and ignore the much more serious issues in its surrounding neighborhood is wrong. And don’t say anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. After all who lives in Israel? It’s inhabitants are not non-specific aliens from outer space.

On the other hand, I find it increasingly difficult to defend policies of the government of Israel that support the settlers in taking land away from the Palestinians. The Arabs in the territories crave and deserve hope for self-government, and they deserve dignity. Unfortunately, there is a growing minority of human Jews in Israel who believe that God is a real estate agent who wants them to own all of the Land of Israel/Land of Palestine. That point of view is wrong, untenable, harmful to the Jewish people both in Israel and the Diaspora, and promotes the worst on the Palestinian side, just as BDS goes against the best and promotes the worst in Israel.

On the other hand there are many Arabs (maybe most) and their friends who never accepted the legitimacy of the State of Israel and view the Jews as interlopers. Therefore to them, killing Jews is just and Jews retaliating in self-defense is unjust.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that a just accommodation between both people (not just governments) would benefit both sides. Jews and Arabs both exist and will not go away. They actually have common interests. The Palestinians, if they are willing, can offer the real peace to Israel that was the original purpose of Zionism. Israel can offer to the Palestinians education, prosperity, and a window to globalism. To some extent that is already happening.

The good in Israel outshines the bad, but the bad muddies one’s ability to extol the good.

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