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Monday, June 13, 2016


To Dead Omar,
I am writing this note to you although I know you can’t read it because you are dead. But it is really meant for other little ISIS patsies out there who find no meaning in life and might be planning to do something similar to what you did. First of all, you did not represent God. God is a human attempt to find meaning in life. You destroyed life because it has no value to you. You celebrated death. The real God celebrates life. America and modern civilization which you hated so much represent freedom, diversity, inclusion, progress, excitement, and living. ISIS represents slavery, fear, phobia, backwardness, stagnation, and death. You chose a Gay bar to attack because it represents the ultimate American freedom, the freedom to be oneself. You hated Gays because you envied that freedom. You were told that you would be a martyr in heaven where wonderful things would happen to you. Stupid
Dead Omar, your victims are the martyrs. If there is a heaven, they are there with God. You are just dead, nothing.

Dead Omar, one last thing. ISIS will lose. America and modern civilization will defeat you. The human experience moves forward incrementally in fits and starts, 2 steps forward, one step backward, but ultimately forward. ISIS and all other backward ideologies will ultimately be crushed by the forward momentum.


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