Hi Humans,

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Sunday, June 5, 2016


Hi Humans,
You humans have muscles in your faces that give your faces various expressions (happy, sad, excited, calm, serious, not serious, etc). To some extent you can control your facial expressions, but often it just comes out naturally. We dogs don't have variable facial expressions. Our facial muscles just don't do it. We show our emotions in other ways (tail wagging, stance, etc). So it's interesting to see the facial expressions of the candidates in the US presidential election. Hillary Clinton has the most natural facial expressions which go along and enhance what she is thinking and saying. Her expressions give her a certain transparency. Bernie Sanders' expressions seem more limited but equally honest. He has two basic expressions, his usual grumpy one, and his occasional smile when something tickles him. On the other hand Donald Trump has his phony serious expression which he wears like a mask. He seems to think that expression looks presidential, but the words that drop out of his mouth reveal otherwise. I imagine his faithful don't look deeper than the mask. I think that in the general elections (at least I hope) most American humans will compare the words of Hillary and Donald, and elect Hillary.

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