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Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Hi Humans,
So the front runners in the Primary elections so far are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. If they turn out to be the nominees, America will have a clear choice between Hillary who brings maturity, pragmatism, sanity, civility, honesty, and fairness, a candidate who will build on the economic progress that has been growing over the past 7 years since President Obama saved capitalism from the financial disaster brought on by the Republicans. On the other hand, we have Donald Trump who has no concern for the truth and has tapped into a group of fearful, malcontented, angry bigots who have followed the Republican Party because of their hatred for President Obama, an intellectual African American with a foreign sounding name. Now they realize that the Republican Party has been using them without giving them anything in return. So now they are giving themselves to be used by a demagogue like Trump who plays to their bigotry and hatred without the Conservative crap. It says something about who are the Democrats and who are the Republicans. The bulk of the Democrats when given to choosing between a mature pragmatist and a well meaning Bernie with pie in the sky ideas, are choosing pragmatism. The Republicans are choosing demagoguery and throwing reason to the wind. Kasich, the one rational Republican candidate, has been left in the dust.
And you Humans think you are so smart!

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