Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Saturday, March 26, 2016


Hi Humans,
I don't remember if I mentioned in any of my previous blog entries that some years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. Dad noticed that I was drinking and peeing more then usual. So he took me to the veterinarian, and sure enough the problem was diabetes. Since then I have been on a strict diet of one cup of special diabetic dog food 2 times a day, and each meal followed by an injection of 6 units of insulin administered by Dad. I have gotten used to the routine. It usually doesn't hurt that much, and it is an opportunity for Dad and me to bond. He rubs my back and sings me a little song after each injection, so I kind of look forward to it. Anyway, that's what life is. You take what you get and make the most of it. And here I am, a middle age dog, still cute and frisky, blogging out what I (and Dad) believe.

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