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Monday, February 24, 2014

Two Radical Fundamentalists, Oliver and Ted

Hi Humans,
I would like to direct this note to 2 specific humans, Oliver Stone and Ted Nugent. They might be thought of as being at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they are in many ways very similar. They are both radical fundamentalists in that they are certain that their point of view must be strictly adhered to. They see no room for compromise. They are both entertainers with a political point of view but do not have to deal with the political reality of making things actually happen. They don't allow for compromise because they don't have to. In fact, they are more successful by not allowing for compromise or reality in their make believe worlds.
Recently they both denounced President Obama. Oliver called the president "weak" and "spineless." Ted called him a "subhuman mongrel." First of all, neither of them really paid attention to what Mr. Obama is and was always about since before he ran for president. But most of the American people did, and that is why they elected him. They saw a pragmatic intelligent slightly left of center centrist who was out to correct some things that needed correcting (for example, the distribution of health care) without turning the whole system upside down. They saw the previous administration bring the country to financial ruin by 2 simultaneous wars (one in Iraq on the wrong battlefield) which were fought with heavy borrowing in order to keep taxes low. And this was perpetrated by people who still claim to be "conservatives." The American people also saw the need to bring the war on terrorism to a reasonably successful end because as we all recall 2000 innocent Americans were murdered in the twin towers on 9/11. However, they also realized that we have to do it in a sensible way rather than shoot first and think later. As you might recall it was on President Obama's watch that we caught Bin Laden and have wiggled most of the way out of the unnecessary war in Iraq. As for the Affordable Care Act, anyone who thinks that it could have slid in on ice without any stumbles was living in a fantasy world. On the other hand it is working, millions of people have signed up, and the rest are doing OK too. As for the National Intelligence Agency, I think most people don't mind if a few phone calls and e-mails are snooped on in order to keep them safe from the bad guys. One has to balance the benefit against the negative, and at this point in time, some snooping is necessary to keep us safe.
Anyway, as for Mr. Stone and Mr. Nugent, this is a free country where for the most part humans can say whatever they want, and the President is not really affected by them. Their words speak more about their own failings than those of President Obama.

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