Hi Humans,

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Political Language

Hi Humans,
It is interesting how you can tell a human's political affiliation by what he says when he is talking about something other than politics. You humans, especially politicians, have a way of saying things that are politically correct rather than speaking directly about the issue.
For example, I am sure you have heard about the terrible gun murder in Colorado Springs. Today on CNN the governor of Colorado and the mayor of Colorado Springs were interviewed. The governor stated that there have been  too many mass murders in the USA, and something needs to be done about it. What was implied but not said is that guns are too available to every screwball who wishes to shoot other humans for whatever reason or just for the fun of killing. On the other hand, the mayor gave a wishy wishy desire for something to be done but said one must not go against the Constitution. One can tell from what they said that the governor is a Democrat and the mayor is a Republican. And looking them both up on the internet confirms this suspicion. The governor implied but did not directly place the blame where it belongs on the gun anarchy in the USA. The mayor put the special interests of the NRA and the gun anarchists ahead of the safety and welfare of the citizens and his own police.
We dogs are more direct.

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