Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Humans Who Won't Accept Responsibility for the Mess They Created

Hi Humans,
Many of you humans have this habit of creating a mess and then claiming that your opponent created the mess and you have to oppose every effort to remedy the mess because your obstinence will somehow bring a solution. For example, look at the Republican Congress. The Republicans destroyed the American economy by spending big dollars on a war in the wrong place (Iraq), and paying for the war by borrowing instead of taxing. Now they oppose the extension of unemployment insurance for people who lost their jobs since the Republican debacle.

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