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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Obama or Romney?

Hi American Humans,
Well the election is almost here. I hope you are voting for President Obama. He inherited a financial mess created by the previous Republican Administration that spent money wildly and inefficiently and paid for their spending by borrowing heavily. Also, their lack of regulation allowed Romney's friends on Wall Street to gamble away America's fortune and leave the tab with the public.
In the last 4 years, President Obama renewed America's standing in the world, avenged 9-11 by getting rid of Bin Laden, completed our job in Iraq, put us on course to completing our mission in Afghanistan, saved capitalism, saved America's automobile industry, and has started bringing the economy back to life as evidenced by the creation of jobs, a vibrant stock market, and the beginning of a turn around in the real estate market.
Governor Christie, a Republican, has praised President Obama's quick action in coming to the aid of humans affected by Hurricane Sandy. When ths chips are down, Obama comes across! Can you depend on Romney? He changes his story when it suits him. He does not tell the truth. He says the first thing he will do in office is get rid of Obamacare to please his constituents on the Right. But in the debates, when he has to get down to details, he says he is for the various concepts like not allowing the insurance companies to deny pre-conditions to please Centrists whose votes he needs. Well, what is Obamacare if not those details? Which constituents will Romney screw if he is elected? Will he morph into a Liberal with a Romneycare that is for practical purposes only different from Obamacare in name to please the Centrist whom he seduced to get elected? Or will he scuttle any kind of health care plan to please his Right Wing base?
If you Humans with your big brains don't know, don't ask me. I am just a dog.

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