Hi Humans,

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Saturday, September 17, 2016


Hi Humans,
When Mom and Dad take me with them on their annual stay at our Chicago apartment, Dad takes me down in the elevator a few times a day so I can relieve myself (no doggie door up there). Sometimes I have to share the elevator with a big ferocious looking dog. When that happens, I meekly hide behind Daddy. Then as the big dog exits the elevator I start barking to show the big dog I am really tough.

Similarly, we saw Donald Trump meekly meeting with the president of Mexico. Later in the day when he was back in the USA playing to his faithful, again he belched out his usual tough nonsense about building the wall and making Mexico pay for it (which of course they would never do).
More recently when he started blasting Clinton to a stony faced sparse audience in a Black church in Flint, Michigan, he was reminded by the pastor that he was not there to make a political speech. He meekly complied. Then the next day, when he was safely back in his element, he complained about the pastor (even though she went out on a limb for allowing him to have a photo-op at her church).

Now I can do that sort of thing because I am just a little dog, but Trump is a human with a supposedly big brain who pretends to be qualified to run for President of the USA.

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