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Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Hi Humans,
Let’s look at the negative charges in the election.

Hillary Clinton:

1.    Clinton Foundation criticized for accepting contributions while she was in public office; provides health care to disadvantaged humans in Africa and other undeveloped areas of the world

2.    Email irregularities; done for convenience in a busy schedule. Hillary has acknowledged the error. The FBI has shown no reason for legal action.

3.    Ben Ghazi: Hillary acted correctly, sustained a grilling by a Republican witch hunt commission which could not demonstrate any wrong doing.

            Donald Trump:

1.    Trump University: a scam to extract money from vulnerable humans, still in court, Trump falsely accused the judge of being partial because he has a Spanish surname.

2.    Habit of bankrupting businesses, leaving others holding the bag.

3.    Stiffing small businesses he hired, often causing them to go out of business.

4.    Sending work out of the country to get cheap labor.

5.    His model agency imported undocumented models from out of the country, instructed them on how to avoid detection, and took advantage of them by charging them exorbitant rent and keeping them indentured.

6.    He bribed the attorney general of Florida to get her to drop the charges against Trump University in Florida.

7.    He won’t release his income tax returns probably because he is hiding something.

            So, all in all, the charges against Trump involved personal monetary gain and 
             against Clinton did not involve monetary personal gain. So tell me humans with  
             your big brains which is worse?


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