Happy New Year to all you Humans and all other creatures as well.
Let's hope that 2014 will bring only good things to all of us (like maybe you guys will finally stand up to the gun bullies and make some real gun control legislation).
p.s. Mommy has started a new web site for her handcrafted metal jewelry at Metal Jewelry Shaper.
Hi Humans,
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Duck Killers
Hi Humans,
There has been a fuss on the news about some guy on some show called "Duck Dynasty" who says dumb and hurtful stuff about people he does not like. So the television network suspended him, but then the people who watch the show put up a fuss and the network put the idiot back. Apparently the big thing about these Duck Dynasty people is that they enjoy killing ducks with guns as well as saying dumb and hurtful things about people they don't like, and there are enough dumb humans out there to support them and force the television network to allow them to continue. What if the ducks had a television program about flying ducks dropping bombs on bearded stupid humans with guns? Wouldn't that be fun?
There has been a fuss on the news about some guy on some show called "Duck Dynasty" who says dumb and hurtful stuff about people he does not like. So the television network suspended him, but then the people who watch the show put up a fuss and the network put the idiot back. Apparently the big thing about these Duck Dynasty people is that they enjoy killing ducks with guns as well as saying dumb and hurtful things about people they don't like, and there are enough dumb humans out there to support them and force the television network to allow them to continue. What if the ducks had a television program about flying ducks dropping bombs on bearded stupid humans with guns? Wouldn't that be fun?
Sunday, December 22, 2013
American Studies Association Boycott
Hi Humans,
You humans can sometimes take a noble cause and twist it for some other gain, often political or economic or prejudice. An example of this has been done by the American Studies Association in advocating a boycott of Israeli Academic Associations. As a dog living in a Jewish home, this even smells a little bit like anti-Semitism (although I know it is not politically correct to make such a suggestion).
These human university professors with their supposed extra big brains should know better. I realize that not everything that Israel does is perfect. I think the settlements are dumb and not in Israel's best interest. There are other suggestions I could make as to what Israel might or might not do, but I don't live there, and I don't have to face the problems that Israelis have to face with their neighbors. Israel is a stable democracy in a region of instability (all citizens both Arabs and Jews are equal before the law), America's best and most reliable ally in the Middle East, and the most advanced nation in the Middle East with a potential to spread that advancement to its neighbors (already happening quietly). Boycotting Israel's academia means boycotting the most liberal segment of Israeli society which is most open to improving relations with the Arab world including the Palestinians. It does not take into consideration the cooperation which is occurring on the ground between Israeli and Arab scientists (including Palestinians) in efforts like the regional SESAME project or the cooperation between Ben Gurion University and Jordanian scientists in creating a man made reef in the gulf of Aqaba. This boycott is hypocritical in ignoring the many truly cruel and dysfunctional governments like the one in Syria that has been killing so many of its own people, or Somalia which is ruled by pirates and dueling war lords, or Iran which is trying to develop a nuclear bomb and says Israel should not exist. Israel withdrew from Gaza as a first step in giving independence to the Palestinians but the Gazans then elected a Hamas government that insisted that Israel should not exist and backed up that opinion by shooting rockets into Israel as well as killing a number of their own people who disagreed with them. No wonder the average Israeli citizen is skeptical about leaving the West Bank without hard security guarantees to prevent it from becoming another Gaza next to Israel's population center.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog. I don't have a super big brain like those university professors.
You humans can sometimes take a noble cause and twist it for some other gain, often political or economic or prejudice. An example of this has been done by the American Studies Association in advocating a boycott of Israeli Academic Associations. As a dog living in a Jewish home, this even smells a little bit like anti-Semitism (although I know it is not politically correct to make such a suggestion).
These human university professors with their supposed extra big brains should know better. I realize that not everything that Israel does is perfect. I think the settlements are dumb and not in Israel's best interest. There are other suggestions I could make as to what Israel might or might not do, but I don't live there, and I don't have to face the problems that Israelis have to face with their neighbors. Israel is a stable democracy in a region of instability (all citizens both Arabs and Jews are equal before the law), America's best and most reliable ally in the Middle East, and the most advanced nation in the Middle East with a potential to spread that advancement to its neighbors (already happening quietly). Boycotting Israel's academia means boycotting the most liberal segment of Israeli society which is most open to improving relations with the Arab world including the Palestinians. It does not take into consideration the cooperation which is occurring on the ground between Israeli and Arab scientists (including Palestinians) in efforts like the regional SESAME project or the cooperation between Ben Gurion University and Jordanian scientists in creating a man made reef in the gulf of Aqaba. This boycott is hypocritical in ignoring the many truly cruel and dysfunctional governments like the one in Syria that has been killing so many of its own people, or Somalia which is ruled by pirates and dueling war lords, or Iran which is trying to develop a nuclear bomb and says Israel should not exist. Israel withdrew from Gaza as a first step in giving independence to the Palestinians but the Gazans then elected a Hamas government that insisted that Israel should not exist and backed up that opinion by shooting rockets into Israel as well as killing a number of their own people who disagreed with them. No wonder the average Israeli citizen is skeptical about leaving the West Bank without hard security guarantees to prevent it from becoming another Gaza next to Israel's population center.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog. I don't have a super big brain like those university professors.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Hi Humans,
You Humans have this concept of God which you express
through an endeavor which you call religion. We animals, who live only in the
present, do not have that concept or that endeavor. There was a time when you
were blissfully ignorant like the rest of us. But then you developed the
ability to speak which led to the ability to talk about the past and the future
which led to the realization that none of us creatures (humans included) lives
forever. It must have been scary to the first humans who discovered their
mortality so many thousands of years ago. You even discuss it in the story of
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the Bible. In those early days, primitive
humans grappled with the idea of making sense and order out of a seemingly
senseless and chaotic existence. And so they came up with answers that made the
most sense to what they had to work with, namely the idea of gods that give
order and meaning to everything. Ultimately, these thoughts evolved into a
concept of one God which made more sense to some people, traditionally at first
the Hebrew people, and ultimately in different religions to many or probably
most of the humans in the world.
There are some humans called fundamentalists who believe
that the books of their particular religion or religious sub-group are the
words of God and the absolute truth. Therefore anyone who disagrees is not
telling the truth (lying or ignorant). Some of them carry this insistence so
far that they are willing to die for their beliefs or kill other people who disagree
with them. Some humans believe that some religious shrine belongs to their
particular religion and are willing to go to war to keep that shrine.
Then there are humans who believe in the basic ideas of
their religion but not that every single word in their holy writings are the
word of God and the absolute truth. They are known as non-fundamentalists.
Then there are humans called atheists who believe that
there is no God. They point to all the evils that have been committed in the
name of God. They generally think of religion in a fundamentalist way and in a
way are themselves reverse fundamentalists.
Then there are humans called agnostics. They do not know
whether there is or is not a God. You might say that they are
non-fundamentalist atheists. Like the non-fundamentalist religious people, they
allow for discussion.
Now if I were human and able to speak, my choice would be
to consider the non-fundamental religious option. I think that best fits what
those primitive early humans were looking for, namely making sense and order
out of a seemingly senseless and chaotic existence. The question of whether God
exists or does not exist is necessary only if you think of existence in only a
material way. There is perception and there is hard material existence. Atheists
and religious fundamentalists really think in a hard material way. For them
there is a struggle between what comes first, perception or material existence.
For non-fundamentalists and agnostics, it is an open question that can be
We think of scientific fact as having an independent
existence. But the laws and theories of science begin with observations or in
other words perceptions which form the basic premises on which logic and
experimentation lead to new ideas and ultimately practical material chemicals,
devices, etc. that contribute to the quality of life. But if there were no
consciousness to perceive the environment, there would be no science. When the
tragedy of a human becoming brain dead occurs, the bones and muscles are still
there. The blood still flows. But there is no consciousness, no perception. For
practical purposes that human is dead. Physicists have discovered all kinds of
sub-microscopic particles with theories and technical equipment. They are
believed to exist because of a line of thought going back to some human
perception. For all we know there might be all kinds of material existences
around us that are not perceived and have not been extrapolated. So what? Until
they are discovered and given an impact on the perceived world, in a sense they
don’t exist.
So, if I were human and had the need to make sense of
existence, I would want to believe in God. But that would not mean slavishly
following some strict set of rules. I would believe that the purpose of
religion is to give meaning to existence and if one has found that life has
meaning no matter how it turns out and how one has arrived at that finding,
then one has found God.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Hi Humans,
You humans have the ability to communicate with words because you can speak (an ability we dogs lack). But instead of using your ability with words wisely, many of you twist your words to support some cause. For example, take the word "conservative." Conservative means moderate, cautious, the opposite of radical. However, in recent American politics, it has become the opposite. We have people in the United States who call themselves conservatives but are actually quite radical in their willingness to go to any extent to thwart not only ideas with which they disagree but also people (like our president) whom they don't like. For example they were able to shut down the government for a period of time by defunding it because they oppose the Affordable Care Act. The venom that one hears spewed by these so-called conservatives against President Obama no matter what he does is hardly conservative. They have taken over the Republican party and denounce the "moderate" true conservatives in that party. They say the moderates are not conservative enough, but what they really mean is they are not radical enough. They think any reduction of government is desirable. The definition of no government is anarchy. But they would never admit to being anarchists because that is a bad word as opposed to conservative which is a good word.
You humans look down on us dogs because we can't speak words, but maybe you guys are not so smart with how you use those words.
You humans have the ability to communicate with words because you can speak (an ability we dogs lack). But instead of using your ability with words wisely, many of you twist your words to support some cause. For example, take the word "conservative." Conservative means moderate, cautious, the opposite of radical. However, in recent American politics, it has become the opposite. We have people in the United States who call themselves conservatives but are actually quite radical in their willingness to go to any extent to thwart not only ideas with which they disagree but also people (like our president) whom they don't like. For example they were able to shut down the government for a period of time by defunding it because they oppose the Affordable Care Act. The venom that one hears spewed by these so-called conservatives against President Obama no matter what he does is hardly conservative. They have taken over the Republican party and denounce the "moderate" true conservatives in that party. They say the moderates are not conservative enough, but what they really mean is they are not radical enough. They think any reduction of government is desirable. The definition of no government is anarchy. But they would never admit to being anarchists because that is a bad word as opposed to conservative which is a good word.
You humans look down on us dogs because we can't speak words, but maybe you guys are not so smart with how you use those words.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Human Technology
Hi Humans,
You guys rule the world with your big brains and your technology. Your technology has brought a lot of good stuff to your human species and to some extent to us domesticated creatures who live with you. But your technology also poses danger to yourselves and to us. The challenge is to use your technological advancement to make the world a better place in which we can all live without destroying it in the process. Medical advances make our lives longer and more pleasant, but overpopulation will eventually fill up the world and leave no place to reside. Development of energy sources contributes to the quality of life for people and their pets, but unrestricted development has led to problems like global warming. Nuclear energy has great peaceful purposes, but how are you going to prevent some screwballs from killing all life with nuclear bombs?
What can I do? I am just a dog. Humans, the ball is in your court. I hope with your big brains, you can figure it out.
You guys rule the world with your big brains and your technology. Your technology has brought a lot of good stuff to your human species and to some extent to us domesticated creatures who live with you. But your technology also poses danger to yourselves and to us. The challenge is to use your technological advancement to make the world a better place in which we can all live without destroying it in the process. Medical advances make our lives longer and more pleasant, but overpopulation will eventually fill up the world and leave no place to reside. Development of energy sources contributes to the quality of life for people and their pets, but unrestricted development has led to problems like global warming. Nuclear energy has great peaceful purposes, but how are you going to prevent some screwballs from killing all life with nuclear bombs?
What can I do? I am just a dog. Humans, the ball is in your court. I hope with your big brains, you can figure it out.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
After Newtown
Hi Humans,
In a few days it will be 1 year since the Newtown Gun Massacre. Little or nothing has been done to correct the insane poorly regulated availability of guns (including assault rifles) in the United States. In any community there are bound to be some crazy individuals. The present situation allows them to obtain firearms suited to mass murder like the one used in the Newtown Gun Massacre. But what has been done to keep guns out of the hands of screwballs like the one at Newtown? Mr. Wilk, the state representative in the California district where I reside, still asks on his web site whether one is for or against the Second Amendment. That is code that says he opposes gun control. Otherwise he would ask the real question, "Are you for or against gun control?"
Humans! Wake up! Oppose the gun bullies! They value their deadly toys over your right to life. It is time to vote their tools like Mr. Wilk out of office as soon as possible.
In a few days it will be 1 year since the Newtown Gun Massacre. Little or nothing has been done to correct the insane poorly regulated availability of guns (including assault rifles) in the United States. In any community there are bound to be some crazy individuals. The present situation allows them to obtain firearms suited to mass murder like the one used in the Newtown Gun Massacre. But what has been done to keep guns out of the hands of screwballs like the one at Newtown? Mr. Wilk, the state representative in the California district where I reside, still asks on his web site whether one is for or against the Second Amendment. That is code that says he opposes gun control. Otherwise he would ask the real question, "Are you for or against gun control?"
Humans! Wake up! Oppose the gun bullies! They value their deadly toys over your right to life. It is time to vote their tools like Mr. Wilk out of office as soon as possible.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Hi Humans,
I can't understand why you humans with your big brains are addicted to so many things that are bad for you. Maybe if you were more like us dogs, you wouldn't be so foolish. Some addictions, like guns, you allow with a dangerously minimal restraint. With other addictions, like narcotics, you continue with the same ineffective restrictions endlessly. It seems like fashion and politics play a greater role than reality in making your decisions.
Some people oppose any restrictions on guns because they say if all the individual people have guns then they can all protect themselves from each other. Does that really make sense to you? That sounds like anarchy to me. Other people say that we should remove all restrictions on narcotics. Then the gangsters wouldn't be able to sell it illegally which would drive down their profit. They say the prohibition of alcohol led to the gangster alcohol business until prohibition was removed. Maybe that's a little naïve.
Let me make a suggestion. Why not make the various addictive gadgets and substances legal but with great government restrictions, licensing, control, and heavily taxed. This should include tobacco, all firearms, and narcotics. The sale or gift of any of those products outside the licensing control of government should be against the law and severely punished. The tax money should go completely to finance treatment programs, prevention programs, and law enforcement to correct and control the addictions. The gangsters would try to make money by selling their products without paying the tax in order to undercut the legal sales, but the increased law enforcement paid for by the heavy tax on legal sales would fight them.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
I can't understand why you humans with your big brains are addicted to so many things that are bad for you. Maybe if you were more like us dogs, you wouldn't be so foolish. Some addictions, like guns, you allow with a dangerously minimal restraint. With other addictions, like narcotics, you continue with the same ineffective restrictions endlessly. It seems like fashion and politics play a greater role than reality in making your decisions.
Some people oppose any restrictions on guns because they say if all the individual people have guns then they can all protect themselves from each other. Does that really make sense to you? That sounds like anarchy to me. Other people say that we should remove all restrictions on narcotics. Then the gangsters wouldn't be able to sell it illegally which would drive down their profit. They say the prohibition of alcohol led to the gangster alcohol business until prohibition was removed. Maybe that's a little naïve.
Let me make a suggestion. Why not make the various addictive gadgets and substances legal but with great government restrictions, licensing, control, and heavily taxed. This should include tobacco, all firearms, and narcotics. The sale or gift of any of those products outside the licensing control of government should be against the law and severely punished. The tax money should go completely to finance treatment programs, prevention programs, and law enforcement to correct and control the addictions. The gangsters would try to make money by selling their products without paying the tax in order to undercut the legal sales, but the increased law enforcement paid for by the heavy tax on legal sales would fight them.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Affordable Health Care Act
Hello Mr. President,
Let me say that I think you are a great president with great visionary ideas, including the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare). In many instances (for example foreign policy) you have been very effective (although you need to keep a close eye on Iran) in executing your ideas. After all you did catch Bin Laden which eluded your predecessors with all their bluster. You pulled us out of the quagmire in Iraq and are in the process of getting us out of Afghanistan. You inherited an economy which your predecessor left in shambles and have slowly and painfully been pulling us out.
As for the Affordable Care Act, it's a necessary step in the evolution of health care in America which has been happening under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It would have eventually occurred with or without you, but it needed you to give it the push that has eluded past efforts. It is a brave innovation, and like all brave innovations it is susceptible to fumbling and needs some groping around to get it exactly right. Big surprise! The criticism I have for you in this particular effort is perhaps you run forward with too much enthusiasm to rally the troops and then give in when things don't quite work out. To be specific, although I don't remember whether you said it or not, there were people on the left who said that US healthcare is broken, giving the idea that it needs to be completely revamped. The fact is there certainly have been problems in the distribution of health care in the US which are very much in need of improvement. But, although there is a large minority of people with inadequate health coverage, the majority do get good health care. So when the majority who are happy with their health care think the system is going to be turned upside down, it scares them. When they hear that people are losing their existing plans, they think it's going to happen to them. You rightly need to include young healthy people in the plan and eliminate inadequate cheap plans because that is the way insurance works. You need healthy young people to pay for those who have already become sick. One never knows when one will leave the ranks of the healthy and join the ranks of the sick. Private insurance companies would like to sign up young healthy members and eliminate old sick ones. That is what Obamacare is out to fix.
So, what I am saying to you, Mr. President (and I'm sure you know it yourself), you should not have promised people that they can keep their existing health plans just because they want to, and you should not now tell people that they can keep their existing plans for another year. You should have just said we made a mistake, it won't effect most people, but for those who are affected and disappointed, sorry but it has to be. Things will eventually sort themselves out and you will have better insurance for it.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Let me say that I think you are a great president with great visionary ideas, including the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare). In many instances (for example foreign policy) you have been very effective (although you need to keep a close eye on Iran) in executing your ideas. After all you did catch Bin Laden which eluded your predecessors with all their bluster. You pulled us out of the quagmire in Iraq and are in the process of getting us out of Afghanistan. You inherited an economy which your predecessor left in shambles and have slowly and painfully been pulling us out.
As for the Affordable Care Act, it's a necessary step in the evolution of health care in America which has been happening under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It would have eventually occurred with or without you, but it needed you to give it the push that has eluded past efforts. It is a brave innovation, and like all brave innovations it is susceptible to fumbling and needs some groping around to get it exactly right. Big surprise! The criticism I have for you in this particular effort is perhaps you run forward with too much enthusiasm to rally the troops and then give in when things don't quite work out. To be specific, although I don't remember whether you said it or not, there were people on the left who said that US healthcare is broken, giving the idea that it needs to be completely revamped. The fact is there certainly have been problems in the distribution of health care in the US which are very much in need of improvement. But, although there is a large minority of people with inadequate health coverage, the majority do get good health care. So when the majority who are happy with their health care think the system is going to be turned upside down, it scares them. When they hear that people are losing their existing plans, they think it's going to happen to them. You rightly need to include young healthy people in the plan and eliminate inadequate cheap plans because that is the way insurance works. You need healthy young people to pay for those who have already become sick. One never knows when one will leave the ranks of the healthy and join the ranks of the sick. Private insurance companies would like to sign up young healthy members and eliminate old sick ones. That is what Obamacare is out to fix.
So, what I am saying to you, Mr. President (and I'm sure you know it yourself), you should not have promised people that they can keep their existing health plans just because they want to, and you should not now tell people that they can keep their existing plans for another year. You should have just said we made a mistake, it won't effect most people, but for those who are affected and disappointed, sorry but it has to be. Things will eventually sort themselves out and you will have better insurance for it.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Si Dolce e L Tormento
Hi Humans,
I know you guys have the ability to screw up our world, and have gone a long way towards doing it. But you also have done a lot of good things like creating technology that has provided benefits to us dogs as well as you humans. So maybe I shouldn't just complain. You guys also have created the arts. It's true you don't appreciate the beauty of aromas as much as we do, but you do have a better feel for the other senses. Today I want to mention a beautiful song that was written by a human named Claudio Monteverdi around 400 years ago (that's a lot of dog generations). The song is a madrigal called "Si Dolce e L Tormento". The words are of a male human lamenting over his rejection by a female human. I can feel for him. It happens in our species as well as in yours. The melody is absolutely hauntingly beautiful. It can be found on Youtube at many web addresses. I will mention just 3 of them, but there are more.
Rolando Villazon can be seen and heard singing it at Villazon
or Marco Beasley at Beasley
or for a Blues Twist on Trumpet by a Dutch group at Nachtgeluiden
So you see I'm not just a grumbling critical dog.
I know you guys have the ability to screw up our world, and have gone a long way towards doing it. But you also have done a lot of good things like creating technology that has provided benefits to us dogs as well as you humans. So maybe I shouldn't just complain. You guys also have created the arts. It's true you don't appreciate the beauty of aromas as much as we do, but you do have a better feel for the other senses. Today I want to mention a beautiful song that was written by a human named Claudio Monteverdi around 400 years ago (that's a lot of dog generations). The song is a madrigal called "Si Dolce e L Tormento". The words are of a male human lamenting over his rejection by a female human. I can feel for him. It happens in our species as well as in yours. The melody is absolutely hauntingly beautiful. It can be found on Youtube at many web addresses. I will mention just 3 of them, but there are more.
Rolando Villazon can be seen and heard singing it at Villazon
or Marco Beasley at Beasley
or for a Blues Twist on Trumpet by a Dutch group at Nachtgeluiden
So you see I'm not just a grumbling critical dog.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Sport Hunting
Hi Humans,
If the animals had guns and the ability to shoot back at the hunters, then hunting would be a sport.
If the animals had guns and the ability to shoot back at the hunters, then hunting would be a sport.
Gun Show Loophole
Hi Humans,
This year Democratic Senator Joe Manchin and Republican Senator Pat Toomey introduced bi-partisan legislation that would have closed the gun show loophole that allows the sale of guns at gun shows without background checks. It was defeated. It was defeated because you did not elect enough reasonable brave senators to pass it. Instead you elected enough senators who are radical pro-gun or too cowardly to oppose the gun bullies. Humans! Where are your supposed big brains? Background checks are meant to screen out crazy people from getting their hands on guns! Those are the crazy humans who have been killing their fellow humans in mass murders at shopping malls, schools, and other public places. The gun lobby does not want background checks at gun shows because they value making money over protecting lives. The gun bullies value their gun toys over the safety of their fellow citizens. Their freedom to have easy access to any kind of weapon is more important than the freedom of their fellow humans to live.
Humans, until you elect senators and representatives who are more concerned about your lives than the greed and narrow interests of the gun bullies, these mass murders will continue.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
This year Democratic Senator Joe Manchin and Republican Senator Pat Toomey introduced bi-partisan legislation that would have closed the gun show loophole that allows the sale of guns at gun shows without background checks. It was defeated. It was defeated because you did not elect enough reasonable brave senators to pass it. Instead you elected enough senators who are radical pro-gun or too cowardly to oppose the gun bullies. Humans! Where are your supposed big brains? Background checks are meant to screen out crazy people from getting their hands on guns! Those are the crazy humans who have been killing their fellow humans in mass murders at shopping malls, schools, and other public places. The gun lobby does not want background checks at gun shows because they value making money over protecting lives. The gun bullies value their gun toys over the safety of their fellow citizens. Their freedom to have easy access to any kind of weapon is more important than the freedom of their fellow humans to live.
Humans, until you elect senators and representatives who are more concerned about your lives than the greed and narrow interests of the gun bullies, these mass murders will continue.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Another Gun Toting Screwball
So now another screwball pulled out an assault rifle at LAX, killed a TSA officer, and wounded as many people as he could before the police shot him. When will you American humans stop this insanity! If guns (especially assault rifles) were not so readily available to every nut case in the USA, the murderer would not have had the assault rifle in the first case, and the brave TSA officer might still be alive. This crazy guy is a prime example of a gun toting, pseudo-patriot, government hating anarchist. When right wing pro-gun anti-government radicals spew out venomous hatred toward President Obama and the government, crazy people like this one listen. The radicals try to distance themselves from the murders, but the murders are the fruit of their venom. This will happen again and again until the American people rise up and demand sane gun laws.
But what do I know. I'm just a dog.
But what do I know. I'm just a dog.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Hi Humans,
So now many of you are now in a tizzy over hearing that the USA has been spying on other countries. Big surprise!! Don't you know that governments spy on each other? You don't read the newspaper? You never saw a James Bond movie? It would be nice if we lived in a fairy tale world where everyone was nice, there were no terrorists, and each country minded its own business. But that is not the way it is. It is the world which you humans created and in which we domesticated animals must live. Let me tell you, life for animals who live in the wild without government is no picnic. It is constantly eat, starve, or be eaten. For all its faults, the government in which you humans and we domesticated animals live here in the USA and many other countries in this world very much beats the absence or almost absence of government that exists in the wild and in some parts of the human world.
So now many of you are now in a tizzy over hearing that the USA has been spying on other countries. Big surprise!! Don't you know that governments spy on each other? You don't read the newspaper? You never saw a James Bond movie? It would be nice if we lived in a fairy tale world where everyone was nice, there were no terrorists, and each country minded its own business. But that is not the way it is. It is the world which you humans created and in which we domesticated animals must live. Let me tell you, life for animals who live in the wild without government is no picnic. It is constantly eat, starve, or be eaten. For all its faults, the government in which you humans and we domesticated animals live here in the USA and many other countries in this world very much beats the absence or almost absence of government that exists in the wild and in some parts of the human world.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Hi Humans,
Have you noticed how people who promote austerity want others to sacrifice but are not willing to do the same sacrifices themselves? The salaries of the Congressmen are not affected by the government shutdown although the livelihood of many of their fellow citizens are very much affected. Congressmen enjoy government health insurance but are willing to shut down the government and destroy the credit of the USA in order to deny comparable opportunity for health insurance to their fellow citizens. I would call that hypocrisy, but would I know? I'm just a dog.
Have you noticed how people who promote austerity want others to sacrifice but are not willing to do the same sacrifices themselves? The salaries of the Congressmen are not affected by the government shutdown although the livelihood of many of their fellow citizens are very much affected. Congressmen enjoy government health insurance but are willing to shut down the government and destroy the credit of the USA in order to deny comparable opportunity for health insurance to their fellow citizens. I would call that hypocrisy, but would I know? I'm just a dog.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Radical Republicans, Please Act Like Adults
Hi Humans,
So now the US Congress has shut down the US government causing financial difficulty for many of you humans and soon might cause the government to default on its debt obligations. This is happening because a group of radical right wing Republican congressmen are holding the USA hostage to prevent the American people from benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. These radicals pretend that the Affordable Care Act is a huge change that will be harmful. Even a little dog like me can see that they are not telling the truth. The Affordable Care Act will cause all the people to have health insurance. Until now, those of you who have insurance have been paying for those who do not in the form of higher hospital costs incurred by uninsured people raising medical overhead. Obamacare would have eventually occurred no matter who is president because it is necessary. The Radicals are so vehemently against it because they hate Obama. They are like little children who throw over the checker board when they are losing. The radical right Republicans need to grow up.
So now the US Congress has shut down the US government causing financial difficulty for many of you humans and soon might cause the government to default on its debt obligations. This is happening because a group of radical right wing Republican congressmen are holding the USA hostage to prevent the American people from benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. These radicals pretend that the Affordable Care Act is a huge change that will be harmful. Even a little dog like me can see that they are not telling the truth. The Affordable Care Act will cause all the people to have health insurance. Until now, those of you who have insurance have been paying for those who do not in the form of higher hospital costs incurred by uninsured people raising medical overhead. Obamacare would have eventually occurred no matter who is president because it is necessary. The Radicals are so vehemently against it because they hate Obama. They are like little children who throw over the checker board when they are losing. The radical right Republicans need to grow up.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Gun Owner Responsibility
Did you hear about the massacre at the Navy Yard in Washington? Another screwball was able to buy a gun even though he had a record of mental illness and violence. Gun control laws with teeth are needed to prevent more of these horrible massacres. If I may be so bold as to suggest some real legislation (although I am just a humble dog), why not make laws that make gun owners truly responsible for their guns and the damage that they might cause. Any gun sale or gift (by a gun store, gun show, or a private individual) should involve a registration with the police and a thorough background check of the recipient of the gun. This should be put into a national computer system which also contains all police records which would raise a red flag if there were a prior arrest or investigation into the activities of the gun recipient and would prevent the transfer. If a gun is lost or stolen, the owner should have to immediately report it to the police. If a gun results in death, injury, or is involved in any kind of crime, the gun owner should be held liable and can be punished with a fine and/or imprisonment. If a gun is transferred illegally (i.e. without being reported to the police and without a proper background check), the gun owner prior to the transfer should be considered to be still the owner of the gun and should be held liable for any harm done by the gun. This would give gun owners an incentive to be truly responsible for their guns. It wouldn't protect the rest of us creatures from your human "sport hunting," but it would at least protect you humans from yourselves.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Human Cruelty
I see in the news that the Syrian government has been using nerve gas against the rebels and anyone who gets in their way. We dogs can not comprehend the cruelty of some of you humans.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The President is Doing a Great Job
Hi Humans,
President Obama is attacked from the Left for supporting the US intelligence community in carrying out the necessary surveillance to protect the public from terrorists and from the Right for anything he does. Being attacked from both sides means he must be doing a great job. This little poodle knows that. Maybe the more intelligent of you humans with your big brains know that too.
President Obama is attacked from the Left for supporting the US intelligence community in carrying out the necessary surveillance to protect the public from terrorists and from the Right for anything he does. Being attacked from both sides means he must be doing a great job. This little poodle knows that. Maybe the more intelligent of you humans with your big brains know that too.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
A Little Nebbish with a Gun
Hi Humans,
So the Zimmerman trial is over and Zimmerman has been aquitted. I don't know if Zimmerman's version of the events leading to the death of Travon Martin was true or not, but the prosecution had the burden of proof to convict him. They were not able to convince the jury of his guilt with absolute certainty.
Looking at Zimmerman on the television screen, I was struck that he looked like a little nebbish. He had volunteered for a neighborhood watch program, carried a concealed gun, and tried to act like a big policeman (which he was not). His inept vigilantism resulted in tragedy. One wonders how many nebisshes are out there in the human community who feel the need to carry a gun to make up for their lack of self esteem. The gun lobby feeds on those people who enrich the gun manufacturers by buying guns to somehow make themselves feel important.
We dogs don't have such needs. We know we are just dogs, and we don't need guns to make us feel more important than we are.
So the Zimmerman trial is over and Zimmerman has been aquitted. I don't know if Zimmerman's version of the events leading to the death of Travon Martin was true or not, but the prosecution had the burden of proof to convict him. They were not able to convince the jury of his guilt with absolute certainty.
Looking at Zimmerman on the television screen, I was struck that he looked like a little nebbish. He had volunteered for a neighborhood watch program, carried a concealed gun, and tried to act like a big policeman (which he was not). His inept vigilantism resulted in tragedy. One wonders how many nebisshes are out there in the human community who feel the need to carry a gun to make up for their lack of self esteem. The gun lobby feeds on those people who enrich the gun manufacturers by buying guns to somehow make themselves feel important.
We dogs don't have such needs. We know we are just dogs, and we don't need guns to make us feel more important than we are.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Zimmerman Trial
Hi Humans,
You humans have been talking a lot about the Zimmerman trial on television. I don't know if Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of murder or not, i.e. did he really intend to commit murder? You humans have all these categories of killing (first degree murder, second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter). I would say that he should not have been carrying a gun in the first place, and so he was guilty of negligence resulting in death. So one might say he committed involuntary manslaughter. Perhaps the real guilt belongs to a culture that worships guns. Evil is not always committed by psychopaths but often by simple people who are misled by their environment. I would be more sympathetic to Mr. Zimmerman if he would acknowledge the evil that his carrying a gun caused and separate himself from the gun nuts who support him. But on that issue he is silent. As far as I can tell, he thinks he was correct and was only defending himself. Sometimes I don't understand you humans with your supposedly big brains.
You humans have been talking a lot about the Zimmerman trial on television. I don't know if Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of murder or not, i.e. did he really intend to commit murder? You humans have all these categories of killing (first degree murder, second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter). I would say that he should not have been carrying a gun in the first place, and so he was guilty of negligence resulting in death. So one might say he committed involuntary manslaughter. Perhaps the real guilt belongs to a culture that worships guns. Evil is not always committed by psychopaths but often by simple people who are misled by their environment. I would be more sympathetic to Mr. Zimmerman if he would acknowledge the evil that his carrying a gun caused and separate himself from the gun nuts who support him. But on that issue he is silent. As far as I can tell, he thinks he was correct and was only defending himself. Sometimes I don't understand you humans with your supposedly big brains.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth of July
Hi Humans,
I am thankful that I live in the USA in a nice home. Even though I am just a dog who lives mainly in a laundry room with a doggie door that gives me access to my side yard, I have more freedom then many humans in this world, freedom to do what dogs like to do, freedom from hunger, and freedom from violence. What more can I ask for?
I am thankful that I live in the USA in a nice home. Even though I am just a dog who lives mainly in a laundry room with a doggie door that gives me access to my side yard, I have more freedom then many humans in this world, freedom to do what dogs like to do, freedom from hunger, and freedom from violence. What more can I ask for?
Monday, June 24, 2013
Hi Humans,
Let me give you my opinion about that guy who leaked out US Government intelligence information, supposedly in the name of promoting transparency. I think he should be arrested, put on trial, and locked away in jail if he's found guilty. He probably is guilty since he publicly confessed because he thinks he did a good deed. Transparency (honesty) is good in most situations. However intelligence (information often gained by spying) is not one of those situations. It would be nice if all the people and nations in the world were honest with each other, always cooperated with each other, and never did harm to each other. But really that is not the way it is in your human world in which all of us creatures must live. Most governments do spy on each other. Nowadays there are also terrorists out there, in some cases acting independently and in other cases supported by certain governments. They mean to do harm to other people with whom they disagree. And in some cases like 911 and the Boston marathon bombing, they actually carried out their harmful intentions. I realize there is some conflict between freedom from being snooped on and freedom from being killed by a terrorist gun or bomb. You need some balance, but between the 2 threats I would prefer life over protection of the telephone or e-mail.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Let me give you my opinion about that guy who leaked out US Government intelligence information, supposedly in the name of promoting transparency. I think he should be arrested, put on trial, and locked away in jail if he's found guilty. He probably is guilty since he publicly confessed because he thinks he did a good deed. Transparency (honesty) is good in most situations. However intelligence (information often gained by spying) is not one of those situations. It would be nice if all the people and nations in the world were honest with each other, always cooperated with each other, and never did harm to each other. But really that is not the way it is in your human world in which all of us creatures must live. Most governments do spy on each other. Nowadays there are also terrorists out there, in some cases acting independently and in other cases supported by certain governments. They mean to do harm to other people with whom they disagree. And in some cases like 911 and the Boston marathon bombing, they actually carried out their harmful intentions. I realize there is some conflict between freedom from being snooped on and freedom from being killed by a terrorist gun or bomb. You need some balance, but between the 2 threats I would prefer life over protection of the telephone or e-mail.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Friday, June 7, 2013
A letter to Mr. Pierre and Other Gun Tools
To Wayne La Pierre, the NRA, Assorted Gun Bullies, and other Tools of the gun Lobby,
Dear Mr. La Pierre, et al.
So one of your gun screwballs again performed mass murder in Santa Monica, California with an assault weapon before being himself killed by the police. Doesn't it make sense to you humans that fighting the creation of gun safety laws harms the safety of law abiding citizens? The more readily available guns are, the more likely crazy people will buy them to kill other people. You greedy gun bullies value your toys and the money you make by selling them above the lives of others. No reasonable person could possibly believe your lies when you argue that more guns means more safety. It just doesn't make sense. And I am not talking about the lives of the rest of the creatures that you kill for "sport." What kind of sport is it that the deer, rabbits, and others that you kill don't have guns to fight back. Using your logic, maybe they should be also be armed. Then you could sell more guns and make more money.
Incidentally, the Second Amendment of the Constitution provides for "a well regulated militia". That today is known as the National Guard. It does not say that you must not have universal background checks or that private individuals should be more heavily armed than the police.
Dear Mr. La Pierre, et al.
So one of your gun screwballs again performed mass murder in Santa Monica, California with an assault weapon before being himself killed by the police. Doesn't it make sense to you humans that fighting the creation of gun safety laws harms the safety of law abiding citizens? The more readily available guns are, the more likely crazy people will buy them to kill other people. You greedy gun bullies value your toys and the money you make by selling them above the lives of others. No reasonable person could possibly believe your lies when you argue that more guns means more safety. It just doesn't make sense. And I am not talking about the lives of the rest of the creatures that you kill for "sport." What kind of sport is it that the deer, rabbits, and others that you kill don't have guns to fight back. Using your logic, maybe they should be also be armed. Then you could sell more guns and make more money.
Incidentally, the Second Amendment of the Constitution provides for "a well regulated militia". That today is known as the National Guard. It does not say that you must not have universal background checks or that private individuals should be more heavily armed than the police.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Second Amendment Interpretation for Gun Nuts
Hi Humans,
I live in Northridge, California, where if one wants to e-mail Mr. Wilk, the local State Representative, about gun safety, one must choose between support or oppose the Second Amendment. That is code that says he opposes gun control (gun safety). The issue is actually between for or against gun control (gun safety). The Second Amendment says that states can form militias (the National Guard). In fact it says a "well regulated militia." It doesn't say that every screwball can arm himself with all kinds of weapons, which is how the NRA, the gun lobby, and the present radical right Republican party interpret it.
If it is obvious to a little dog like me, why can't you humans with your big brains see it? If I were human and could vote, I wouldn't vote for a guy like that.
I live in Northridge, California, where if one wants to e-mail Mr. Wilk, the local State Representative, about gun safety, one must choose between support or oppose the Second Amendment. That is code that says he opposes gun control (gun safety). The issue is actually between for or against gun control (gun safety). The Second Amendment says that states can form militias (the National Guard). In fact it says a "well regulated militia." It doesn't say that every screwball can arm himself with all kinds of weapons, which is how the NRA, the gun lobby, and the present radical right Republican party interpret it.
If it is obvious to a little dog like me, why can't you humans with your big brains see it? If I were human and could vote, I wouldn't vote for a guy like that.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Hi Humans,
We dogs know that we must pay for what we get. Perform a trick and you get a treat. Misbehave and you pay a punishment. But many humans don't seem to think that way. They want a treat for other's performance, and they want others to pay for their misbehavior. For example, look at those humans who preach austerity but really mean austerity for other humans. They want to cut taxes and pay for the tax cuts with less government services. That is because taxes affect them more than services. They want to shift the cost to those who would be more affected by services. But it is not always clear as to who would be affected by what. Recently, the sequester hit the airline industry because of lay offs of air traffic controllers. Now all of a sudden austerity became inconvenient, so Congress fixed it by shifting money from elsewhere. Eventually, the bite will reach the elsewhere, and if their constituents are vocal enough, Congress will have to play the shell game again. Maybe, eventually, they will find a fair balance between taxes and services. Maybe they will raise taxes and give it another name to save face. That's another trick that humans like to do. Fortunately, we dogs live a more simple life and understand a more simple vocabulary.
We dogs know that we must pay for what we get. Perform a trick and you get a treat. Misbehave and you pay a punishment. But many humans don't seem to think that way. They want a treat for other's performance, and they want others to pay for their misbehavior. For example, look at those humans who preach austerity but really mean austerity for other humans. They want to cut taxes and pay for the tax cuts with less government services. That is because taxes affect them more than services. They want to shift the cost to those who would be more affected by services. But it is not always clear as to who would be affected by what. Recently, the sequester hit the airline industry because of lay offs of air traffic controllers. Now all of a sudden austerity became inconvenient, so Congress fixed it by shifting money from elsewhere. Eventually, the bite will reach the elsewhere, and if their constituents are vocal enough, Congress will have to play the shell game again. Maybe, eventually, they will find a fair balance between taxes and services. Maybe they will raise taxes and give it another name to save face. That's another trick that humans like to do. Fortunately, we dogs live a more simple life and understand a more simple vocabulary.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Shame on the Senators Who Serve the NRA
Hi Humans,
So now the tools of the gun lobby in the US Senate have blocked universal backgound check legislation (which is supported by the majority of the Senate and the American people) by political maneuvering. Shame on them for placing what they perceive as political expediency over the safety of the US citizens. Humans, it is time to throw the rascals out. If your senator voted agains universal background checks, vote him or her out at the next election or better still ask for a recall. Let your senator know that you won't stand for this insanity. You don't want every screwball to have easy access to all kinds of guns so that the gun manufacturers can make more money at the expense of your safety and the safety of your family.
That's what this little dog thinks. But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
So now the tools of the gun lobby in the US Senate have blocked universal backgound check legislation (which is supported by the majority of the Senate and the American people) by political maneuvering. Shame on them for placing what they perceive as political expediency over the safety of the US citizens. Humans, it is time to throw the rascals out. If your senator voted agains universal background checks, vote him or her out at the next election or better still ask for a recall. Let your senator know that you won't stand for this insanity. You don't want every screwball to have easy access to all kinds of guns so that the gun manufacturers can make more money at the expense of your safety and the safety of your family.
That's what this little dog thinks. But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Gun Freedom????
Humans who equate guns and liberty at the expense of the safety of everyone else are not talking about real liberty. Real liberty respects the rights of everyone including the right to freedom from harm. What the NRA wants is actually selfishness. But what do I know? I'm just a dog.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Hi Humans,
Why do you call hunting a sport? I'm sure the deer doesn't consider being hunted a sport. Now, if the deer were somehow able to shoot back at the hunter, that would be sporting. But that would be silly, wouldn't it?
Why do you call hunting a sport? I'm sure the deer doesn't consider being hunted a sport. Now, if the deer were somehow able to shoot back at the hunter, that would be sporting. But that would be silly, wouldn't it?
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A Hope for the New Year
Hi Humans,
Happy New Year! Let's hope that 2013 is the year when you Humans will have the courage to finally stand up to the gun bullies that run the NRA and demand an end to
1. the ease with which any screwball can buy a gun over the internet or at a gun show without regulation.
2. magazines that hold multiple bullets.
3. weapons that can fire multiple bullets without reloading.
Let's hope for the best.
Happy New Year! Let's hope that 2013 is the year when you Humans will have the courage to finally stand up to the gun bullies that run the NRA and demand an end to
1. the ease with which any screwball can buy a gun over the internet or at a gun show without regulation.
2. magazines that hold multiple bullets.
3. weapons that can fire multiple bullets without reloading.
Let's hope for the best.
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