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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Second Amendment Interpretation for Gun Nuts

Hi Humans,
I live in Northridge, California, where if one wants to e-mail Mr. Wilk, the local State Representative, about gun safety, one must choose between support or oppose the Second Amendment. That is code that says he opposes gun control (gun  safety). The issue is actually between for or against gun control (gun safety). The Second Amendment says that states can form militias (the National Guard). In fact it says a "well regulated militia." It doesn't say that every screwball can arm himself with all kinds of weapons, which is how the NRA, the gun lobby, and the present radical right Republican party interpret it.
If it is obvious to a little dog like me, why can't you humans with your big brains see it? If I were human and could vote, I wouldn't vote for a guy like that.

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