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Sunday, December 22, 2013

American Studies Association Boycott

Hi Humans,
You humans can sometimes take a noble cause and twist it for some other gain, often political or economic or prejudice. An example of this has been done by the American Studies Association in advocating a  boycott of Israeli Academic Associations. As a dog living in a Jewish home, this even smells a little bit like anti-Semitism (although I know it is not politically correct to make such a suggestion).
These human university professors with their supposed extra big brains should know better. I realize that not everything that Israel does is perfect. I think the settlements are dumb and not in Israel's best interest. There are other suggestions I could make as to what Israel might or might not do, but I don't live there, and I don't have to face the problems that Israelis have to face with their neighbors. Israel is a stable democracy in a region of instability (all citizens both Arabs and Jews are equal before the law), America's best and most reliable ally in the Middle East, and the most advanced nation in the Middle East with a potential to spread that advancement to its neighbors (already happening quietly). Boycotting Israel's academia means boycotting the most liberal segment of Israeli society which is most open to improving relations with the Arab world including the Palestinians. It does not take into consideration the cooperation which is occurring on the ground between Israeli and Arab scientists (including Palestinians) in efforts like the regional SESAME project or the cooperation between Ben Gurion University and Jordanian scientists in creating a man made reef in the gulf of Aqaba. This boycott is hypocritical in ignoring the many truly cruel and dysfunctional governments like the one in Syria that has been killing so many of its own people, or Somalia which is ruled by pirates and dueling war lords, or Iran which is trying to develop a nuclear bomb and says Israel should not exist. Israel withdrew from Gaza as a first step in giving independence to the Palestinians but the Gazans then elected a Hamas government that insisted that Israel should not exist and backed up that opinion by shooting rockets into Israel as well as killing a number of their own people who disagreed with them. No wonder the average Israeli citizen is skeptical about leaving the West Bank without hard security guarantees to prevent it from becoming another Gaza next to Israel's population center.
But what do I know? I'm just a dog. I don't have a super big brain like those university professors.

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