Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Hooray for Piers Morgan

Hi Humans,
So now the gun bullies want to deport Piers Morgan for speaking the truth about assault weapons, multi-bullet magazines, and murder. They talk about liberty? Is it liberty to try to muzzle free speech? The gun bullies must be running scared, because the American people are hearing the truth and beginning to stand up to them. I am sure they would deport me if they could, but I am an American born dog and more of a real patriot than all of those greedy gun runners and NRA bullies put together.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The NRA's Response to Mass Murder

Hi Humans,
Yesterday the head of the NRA finally responded to the tragedy in Connecticut.There was not a word about banning assault weapons and gun magazines with multiple bullets. That is what allows maniacs to turn their madness into mass murder. But those assault weapons are very lucrative commodities for the gun industry which the NRA serves. It appears that for them maximizing their profit trumps safety for the public. We dogs are not so cynical as you humans, and you humans with your big brains are supposed to be the civilized ones.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Guns and Murder

American Humans! Wake up!
Another screwball killed 20 children and 7 adults this morning at a school in Connecticut by shooting them with guns. This is getting to be too commonplace. The gun bullies say it's not because of guns. But in any community, there are bound to be some violent crazy people. If there were no guns and bullets available to them, they would have nothing to shoot. It makes sense to a little dog like me. Doesn't it make sense to you humans with your big human brains? The gun bullies talk about preserving their "freedom." But what about the freedom of the 20 children and other people killed by guns? The gun bullies demand the "right to bear arms." What about the right of the murdered children to live?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

Hi Humans,
As groups, you humans seem to create your own artificial disasters. You would think that with your big human brains, you would be busy enough dealing with the real natural problems like running out of usable fuel, edible food, drinkable water, and breathable air (although even those problems are largely caused by you oink oink humans and affect all of us creatures). But instead you focus on your human economy which is a system which you guys created to regulate stuff. Now the American Congress created this artificial "Fiscal Cliff" which is a game of chicken between the political parties. We dogs with our little brains would never think up such nonsense. Maybe you humans need to grow up. Oh well, what do I know? I'm just a dog.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Human Scandal

Hi Humans,
It's amazing how important humans in the public eye can be so silly when it comes to sexual attractions. You would think that those extra smart humans with their extra big brains would have a sense of priority, and not throw away the really important things they do so that they can act sexually like us dogs. On the other hand, many of us dogs aspire to be more like humans (although I don't really know why).

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Compatible Ideas

Hi Humans,
You humans often are so insistant that your idea is right and some other idea is wrong and completely incompatible with your idea. This human attitude can make compromise and progress difficult if not impossible. For example, during the recent election campaign, Mitt Romney said in one of his speeches something like he wants to save the economy and Obama wants to save the oceans. In other words, the economy problem is real, and the world's resources problems are not. I imagine there are humans with the opposite point of view, i.e. don't worry about the economy, but the planet needs to be saved. The reality is that both are necessary. Money is the system that you humans have chosen for trade during the last few thousand years, and it seems to work, But the monetary system will not do all of us creatures much good if the water is undrinkable, the air is unbreathable, food is inedible, and the land is inundated with rising oceans from global warming.
That's what this dog thinks, but what do I know? I'm just a dog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


President Obama,
Congratulations on your election. Now that the election is over, it's back to business. I like that you immediately started to reach out to the Republicans to get moving on the economy.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hi Humans,
You Humans with your big brains claim to be so civilized compared to all of us other creatures. Yet, I have overheard some Republican Humans speak about President Obama with extreme hatred from the day he took office. Why? Could his race have something to do with it? No!!! You Humans are too civilized for that. Not like us dogs!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Community Responsibility

Hi Humans,
Democrats - community responsibility, personal freedom.
Republicans - tough luck, big brother morality.


Hi Humans,
Katrina, Republican President, lack of leadership, chaos.
Sandy, President Obama, strong leader, quick recovery.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Who is Squandering the Future?

Hi Humans,
There has been an ad on television by one of Romney's super pacs in which an actress implies that President Obama's policies are squandering away her children's future. First of all, President Obama has spent the last 4 years fixing the economic melt down caused by the preceding Republican administration. Also, there is more to the future than the economy. The Republicans disdain any effort to conserve the resources of the planet, like the air we breathe and the water we drink. They claim that global warming is fiction although the polar ice caps are already melting and driving up the elevation of the oceans. Climate change is a reality that is already happening! Actually the Republicans are the spendthrifts. They just spend your money on different things than the Democrats, and they spend more than just money.
We dogs and other creatures have to share this planet with you. So, please don't be so stupid. Listen to your scientists. Start thinking about the whole future, not just money. Can we dogs trust you humans with your supposed big brains to do the right thing? I hope so.

Obamacare Will Help the Economy

Hi Humans,
At one point during the election campaign, Romney said something like people without health insurance and without the means to buy medical care can go to an emergency room if they need care. Emergency rooms are for emergencies. They are notoriously expensive and inefficient for routine medical care. Someone ultimately pays for this expense, and the someone is you. So don't buy the Republican argument that Obamacare will cost too much money. It is not true.

Obama or Romney?

Hi American Humans,
Well the election is almost here. I hope you are voting for President Obama. He inherited a financial mess created by the previous Republican Administration that spent money wildly and inefficiently and paid for their spending by borrowing heavily. Also, their lack of regulation allowed Romney's friends on Wall Street to gamble away America's fortune and leave the tab with the public.
In the last 4 years, President Obama renewed America's standing in the world, avenged 9-11 by getting rid of Bin Laden, completed our job in Iraq, put us on course to completing our mission in Afghanistan, saved capitalism, saved America's automobile industry, and has started bringing the economy back to life as evidenced by the creation of jobs, a vibrant stock market, and the beginning of a turn around in the real estate market.
Governor Christie, a Republican, has praised President Obama's quick action in coming to the aid of humans affected by Hurricane Sandy. When ths chips are down, Obama comes across! Can you depend on Romney? He changes his story when it suits him. He does not tell the truth. He says the first thing he will do in office is get rid of Obamacare to please his constituents on the Right. But in the debates, when he has to get down to details, he says he is for the various concepts like not allowing the insurance companies to deny pre-conditions to please Centrists whose votes he needs. Well, what is Obamacare if not those details? Which constituents will Romney screw if he is elected? Will he morph into a Liberal with a Romneycare that is for practical purposes only different from Obamacare in name to please the Centrist whom he seduced to get elected? Or will he scuttle any kind of health care plan to please his Right Wing base?
If you Humans with your big brains don't know, don't ask me. I am just a dog.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Stay Safe

Hi East Coast Humans, Dogs, and all other creatures,
Stay safe during the hurricane. Evacuate if you are advised to do so. And vote for Obama after the storm is over if you have not done so already.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Romney the Chameleon

Hi Humans,
Here is my drawing of Romney the Chameleon. As you know, a chameleon will change his color depending on the situation he is in. Not the greatest artistry, but what do you expect? I am a dog.
Anyway, it represents Mitt Romney who will transform himself into whatever will make the deal that serves his rich cronies who don't want to pay their share of taxes. Serving those guys seems to be his only constant. To the Radical Right he is all for low taxes (especially for the wealthiest people), minimal financial regulation, and maximal regulation of personal life. But at the debates when he was exposed to everyone, all of a sudden he became a liberal.
With President Obama, what you see is what you get. He is a pragmatic centrist. That is what he was before he became president. That is what he has been during the last 4 years while he was undoing the mischief created by the previous Republican administration, and that is what he will do in his next 4 year term as president.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Romney and Mathematics

Hi Humans,
The Tax Policy Center, a non-partisan group of financial experts, did a study which demonstrated that Romney's tax plan just does not add up. Perhaps the Radical Socially Right Wing Republicans disdain mathematics just as they disdain evolution. They place what they are told to believe above reason (truth). I can see it, and I am just a dog.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney Supports Anti-female Mourdoch

Hi Human Women,
Romney supports Mourdoch for the Senate. He is the guy who is against abortion in
the case of rape. He says the baby is God's will. Even though Romney played Democrat in the last presidential debate to win you over, he still associates himself with the anti-women right wing fanatics who seem to dominate the Republican party. I know I am just a dog, but I share your gender.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prop 32 Bad

Hi California Humans,
The right wing radicals are trying to pull the wool over your eyes with Prop 32. It really is an attempt to bust the unions and give charity to the big corporations. This dog can see it, but some of you humans with your big brains can't.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A New "Revelation?"

Hi Humans,
Trump now says he will be unveiling a new "revelation" about the President. Really???? Some gullible humans will believe in anything irrational if it is against President Obama. And they are supposed to be smarter than us dogs?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ben Stein

Hi Humans,
I would like to commend Ben Stein for being honest and saying that higher taxes on rich humans is necessary at this point in time. Mr Stein is apparently a real conservative as opposed to the radical righters who claim to be conservative but are not. If more true conservatives like Mr Stein could retake the Republican party we might again have a Republican party that might participate in real debate, participation, bipartisanism, and solution making. But what do I know. I'm just a dog.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who Can You Trust?

Hi Humans,
Which candidate in the upcoming election can you trust to do a better job of leading America over the next 4 years to promote job creation, improve the deficit, keep the USA safe and prosperous, and improve the quality of life? Both candidates can give you plans and promises. President Obama has brought you progressive results in his first 4 years, i.e. winding down wars, the stock market is up, better relations with other countries, killing Osama Bin Laden to show that you don't do harm to America and get away with it, and an economy that is turning around. Governor Romney has only promises and theories. He tries to distance himself from George Bush, but throwing George under the bus doesn't help. It wasn't just Bush who tanked the economy. The Republican theories that tanked the economy during the Bush administration (borrowing instead of raising taxes to pay for wars and deregulating Wall Street) are the same theories that the Republicans are still promoting that don't add up mathematically.
So the answer is obvious. Vote for Obama. But what do I know? I,m just a little dog.

Vote for Obama

Hi Human Democrats,
The election will be soon here. The rest of us are depending on you. We dogs can not vote, but you can! So do what's right and vote for President Obama.

Second Presidential Debate

President Obama,
Congratulations on your peformance at the Presidential Debate today. You said it like it is and nailed it.
P.S. I think both you and Governor Romney did not go far enough in restrictng the availablity of guns, not just assault weapons. Guns should be in the hands of the police. The use of guns by civilians should be severely limited and controlled.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Hi Humans,
Have you seen the ad on television where one of you humans named Peterffy advises you to vote Republican because he opposes socialism? But President Obama is not a socialist. In fact he saved capitalism when it was on the verge of crashing because of the negligence of the Republicans. Even Romney all of a sudden has appeared to become somewhat moderate (in other words more socialist according to what appears to be Mr. Peterffy's definition) because he now believes he has to abandon the Radical Right to which he pandered to win the Republican nomination in order to woo the Centrists whom he needs to win the election. Actually, unions, Wall Street regulation, Affordable Health Care, keeping taxes fair and high enough to pay for the government's bills are necessary elements of modern capitalism. So Humans if you really love capitalism, vote for President Obama. With Romney you don't know who you might be getting, the new Romney who appears to be a Republican pseudo-Obama or the radical right wing Republican Romney from last month who might bring us to the financial brink like the Republicans did 4 years ago.
This little doggie can see that. I hope you humans with your big human brains can see it too.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Malala Yousafzai

Hi Humans,
Let us hope for the recovery of the Malala Yousafzai, the beautiful intelligent teenage girl who was gravely wounded by cowardly Taliban goons because she defied them. The Taliban and other militant Moslem fundamentalists (and militant fundamentalists of any religion) pervert their religion and do not understand the purpose of religion. Religion began before the dawn of civilization when humans realized that life is temporary and existence seemed chaotic and purposeless. So they began belief in deities, later refined to one God, in an attempt to find meaning and purpose for life. That is an important endeavor. Unforunately there are people in the world who take advantage of religion and use it for political purposes and to dominate others. They think that if you do not follow exactly what they tell you to do or show disrespect to their icons or prophets, you are evil and not worthy of living. To kill anyone (yourself included) in the name of religion is not a religious act but quite the contrary. Belief in God exists because of the temporariness of life. It is not promoted by making life more temporary.
I know that you humans with your big brains will one day realize that giving life real meaning is what religion should be about, and you will not destroy yourselves and the rest of us creatures over nonsense.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where is George Bush?

Hi Republican Humans,
What have you done with George Bush? You remember him, don't you? He was the Republican president during those 8 years when you destroyed America's economy. I say you and not him because you can't lay all the blame on him. It was Republican dogma that did it, not just George. It is the same selective low tax, selective low regulation, and selective spending that you have been espousing (and which you seem to have maybe abandoned at the recent debate). Bill Clinton has been active and visible in support of President Obama because the same Democratic ideas that President Obama espouses were successful in producing a great economy and a balanced budget during Clinton's term in office. But the Republicans are espousing the same voodoo economic plan that smashed the economy during the Bush years. They just want to hide Bush. This little dog can see it. I hope you humans with your big brains can see it as well.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Democrats, Wake Up!!

Hi Human Democrats,
Wake Up! If you don't get off your butt and vote, those Republicans are going to put my friend Big Bird out of work. They say that will create jobs??? And you know what they have in store for you humans. They want to bring back the lack of regulation that crashed your economy 4 years ago. And they want to deny you the chance for better health care.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney Does Not See the Big Picture

Hi Humans,
Yesterday in the debate Romney put down spending on "green" energy when President Obama pointed out tax advantages Romney wants for oil companies. Romney seems only concerned about saving dollars. Actually, you humans have to conserve resources of all kinds, energy and space as well as dollars. Please, when you waste the world's resources it affects us dogs as well, and we don't have any say in the matter. President Obama sees the big picture. Romney's focus is too narrow.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who is Mitt Romney?

Hi Humans,
Who is this guy Mitt Romney? He was a moderate Republican when he started Obamacare in Massachusetts to please his Democrat constituency. Then he was an extreme Right Winger to pander to his base earlier in the presidential primary and election campaign. Today in his debate with the President all of a sudden he has become a moderate to woo the Independants and try to turn the tide in his favor. Now he says things like he doesn't want to decrease taxes for the rich and he is not against spending for education. Really? At least we know who President Obama is. He is a pragmatic hard working presidential centrist.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Running Out

Hi Humans,
You humans are concerned about the USA running out of money because of money being spent outpacing revenue coming in (as you should be). But there are other things besides money running out. The world will eventually run out of space for all of us creatures as you humans keep reproducing. You spay and neuter us dogs, but many of the same "conservatives" who are so vocal about the government not spending money oppose any kind of birth control for humans and instead promote reckless human reproduction without concern for the future. If birth control is not done by humane family planning, it will happen anyway eventually by inhumane starvation and war as people scramble for the resources that can not meet demand. Also, you humans are using up the Earth's resources much more than the rest of us creatures. The "conservatives" poopoo any idea of conservation. That doesn't sound very conservative to this dog. You oink oink humans will use up all of our resources, and we dogs and other creatures have no say in the matter. What you guys need to do is strike a balance to be real conservatives. Otherwise please move over and let us dogs take over. I think we can do a better job of managing the world.

Proposition 30

Hi California Humans,
Vote for Proposition 30. California schools need the money to repair the damage done to the infrastructure of the state by the Howard Jarvis tax cuts which cut funding for schools and other necessary services. I wish I could vote for it, but I am just a dog.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Teacher Strike

Hi Humans,
Have you been reading about the teachers strike in Chicago. Apparently the main issue is not just wages, but rather about teacher seniority. The administration believes the seniority system blocks principals from putting performance ahead of seniority in order to better serve the students. The teachers say that allows principals to be promote their favorites and punish those who disagree with them or speak up. This is not a unique situation peculiar to the Chicago schools or for that matter to only schools. The unions are a necessary part of modern capitalism, but they do at times get in the way of progress. But large administrations, whether government or private corporations can be equally destructive. Both unions and administrations need to look at the products they are producing as well as the compensation they are receiving. It is a difficult problem, but you humans are going to have to figure it out.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Political Conventions

Hi Humans,
I watched your poitical conventions. It appeared that Romney implied that he could offer a quick fix to the unemployment problem (although he did not make it clear exactly how he would do it). President Obama gave a tempered presidential speech as an experienced pragmatic leader who is in the middle of the reality of the situation. So, who do you think would make a better president? But why should you humans with your big brains listen to the opinion of a little dog like me?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Romney's Speech

Hi Humans,
Did you hear Romney's speech at the Republican convention? His mannerisms reminded me of President Obama, but the content was like walking through the looking glass. He said that the President did not produce the recovery fast enough, but he didn't mention the fact that the economic crash occurred under the last Republican administration with the same economic policies that the Republicans are touting as the cure. He intimated President Obama is too accommodating and not tough enough with the other countries in the world. Humans, remember, the last Republican administration pushed us into debt in order to finance two go it alone wars. President Obama brought us a successful foreign policy by working with our allies. He successfully pulled us out of Iraq, is working us out of Afghanistan, and killed Osama Bin Laden, the architect of 911, because he could work with other countries. And after all what was the purpose of the war in Afghanistan? It was to show the terrorists that they can not attack America and get away with it. Well, what Bush failed to do in spite of putting us in debt in his attempt, Obama accomplished with less expense within his first term. Romney talked about promoting education, but the Republicans want to lower the taxes that pay for schools. Romney talked about American unity and intimated that Obama is responsible for the disunity that presently exists. Really? The Republicans have said more than once that their main goal is to defeat Obama, and the Republican House of Representatives has backed that goal by their unwilligness to compromise and then complain that nothing is getting done.
The Republicans say they want to work from the middle class up, not trickle down from big government. The Democrats say they want to work from the middle class up, not trickle down from big corporations. Are they on the same planet? Well, what do you expect from humans?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Republican Convention

Hi Humans,
Watching the Republican Convention on televisioin brings to mind a saying of one wise human, Abraham Lincoln, which goes something like,"You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Hopefully the American people will be smart enough to vote for President Obama and not bring in the same rascals who brought us to the brink of financial disaster 4 years ago. But what do I know? I'm just a dog.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another Shooting

Hi Humans,
So now there was another deadly shooting at College Station, Texas. And the gun enthusiasts and their gullible supporters still don't want any gun reforms. When Romney was interviewed today he still said he was opposed to any change in the gun laws. I guess he does not want to upset the NRA or alienate the gun nuts. Doesn't it make sense to you that in a large country like the United States there will always be some screwballs, and gun control would make it more difficult for every screwball to have a gun to kill people when he (or she) freaks out. But unlike us dogs, some of you humans are challenged when it comes to common sense.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hi Humans,
So Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential candidate to further ingratiate himself with the far right wing of their party. They say he favors "financial responsibility." Actually he wants financial responsibility for the middle class and charity (tax breaks) for the very rich.
Also the Republicans want deregulation. People who work for large corporations are responsible for getting as much money for shareholders as possible no matter what irresponsible action is required to accomplish it. Deregulation allows and even encourages irresponsibility. That is what got us into the present economic mess. President Obama saved capitalism when he entered office. A return to Republican economic policies will bring us back to the brink of disaster just like it did 4 years ago. Is that "conservatism?"
If a dog like me can see it, why can't you?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hello Humans,
Today another screwball was able to commit mass murder (this time in Wisconsin) because he found it easy to buy a gun and bullets. Why are you humans so afraid of the NRA? Why do humans have to die so that the gun nuts can keep their toys. Why do you humans have such a slow learning curve? And you think we dogs are stupid? Look at yourselves.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Health Care Reform and Physician Shortage

Hi Humans,
Some humans say the Affordable Care Act will increase the shortage of physicians. That is not exactly true. If the population stays the same and the number of physicians stays the same, then making health care more available does not really increase the shortage of physicians unless the people who are presently not getting adequate care don't count. We dogs have a better sense of logic than those humans who oppose health care reform.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Martin and Zimmerman Case

 Hi Humans,
There are two versions of what happened on the tragic night when Trayvon Martin was killed. One version is that Martin attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman acted in self defense. The other version is that Zimmerman provoked Martin in which case Zimmerman committed murder or at least manslaughter. I don't know which version is correct. Hopefully, the court will come to the correct conclusion. But one thing is for sure. The community (particularly the state of Florida) is guilty for creating insufficient gun control laws. Zimmerman should not have been carrying a gun in the first place.
But what do I know? I am just a dog.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gun Control

Hi American Humans,
Are you guys stupid? Did you see what happened in Aurora, Colorado? That screwball was able to kill and injure so many people because he was able to buy the most severe guns and ammunition "legally." In any community there are going to be a few psychopaths. But you don't have to give them the opportunity to acquire weapons for mass murder. Shame on the NRA and the gun lobby for putting their toys above the safety of the community. They are as guilty as the screwball who committed the crime. If dogs could make laws, we would do a better job in this matter.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Filling in the Gaps in Health Care

Hi Humans,
Congratulations to the Supreme Court in confirming that Affordable Health Care including mandating that all humans become insured is constitutional. American medical education is the best in the world. People come from all over the world to study here, and many of those people stay here to give care and teach others. At its best, the USA has the best medical are in the world. Americans spend more per capita on medical insurance than other countries. But in spite of this, the overall care given to American humans is low compared to other First World countries. The reason is that many Americans are under-insured or not insured at all. America has to fill in the gaps and bring up the cost effectiveness of care to catch up with the rest of the Developed World.
Even a dog like me can see that.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gullible Humans

Hi Humans,
Today on CNN a "conservative" political/economic commentator argued that people should vote for Romney because President Obama will not be able to push his agenda for fixing the economy through the Republican controlled Congress. However, Romney once elected, will take the same or a similar agenda, give it a different name, and will be able to get enough Republican support (because he is a Republican) to push it through Congress and fix the economy. He is probably correct. Romney will probably give Obama's plans new names (including "Obamacare") and push them because in the end it will become obvious how failed the Republican agenda is. After all, it is the Republicans who created the present financial situation with financial deregulation (allowing greed to trump national interest), with going to war on the wrong battlefield without adequate preparation, and by financing it with hidden borrowing instead of bracing the population with increased taxes (and rationing as was done in World War II).
You Humans are really gullible. We dogs have a better perception of things.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natural and Supernatural

Hi Humans,
Some of you people talk about things that are natural and other things that are supernatural. We dogs only know natural. We are not so sophisticated as to distinguish between the two. Anyway, can the supernatural really exist? If something that seems supernatural turns out to really exist, then it is natural and not supernatural.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Knee Jerk Tax Opposition

Hello Humans,
Some of you have a knee jerk opposition to anything that smells of taxes, no matter what the consequences. You are against social services to maintain the health and welfare of ordinary citizens, but you are also against reducing tax breaks for the most wealthy. Maybe eventually, you will realize who is screwing you (maybe most already do).

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Proposition 29

Hi California Humans,
Vote for Proposition 29. A higher cigarette tax will create more money for cancer research and will help inhibit humans from smoking. The tobacco companies are paying lots of money for ads against it. Tobacco is an addictive poison which the tobacco companies sell to their fellow humans to make money even though it causes cancer and other deadly illnesses. They have enlisted the knee jerk anti-tax lunatics in their effort. The American Cancer Society is in favor of the proposition. I know I'm just a dog, but who is right and who is wrong seems rather obvious to me. Doesn't it to you?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Health Care

Hi Humans,
There is a big debate in the United States about the provision in the new Health Care law mandating that everyone buy Health Insurance. It seems that about 2/3 of American Humans oppose that idea and about 1/3 support it. Why? The reality is that at its best, American health care is probably the best in the world, but overall the U.S.A. has one of the worst records among the developed nations. Most Americans have adequate insurance (don't want to share and don't realize they are already paying for the uninsured), or are healthy and don't realize they are underinsured, or are rich enough to pay for the best care no matter what their insurance is, or don't have insurance by choice or not by choice and are willing to or  have to let people with insurance pay for them. Those probably make up the 2/3. The 1/3 who support the President's health plan must be those who are adequately insured but are conscientious enough to share and/or realize they are already paying for the uninsured anyway, plus those who are uninsured or underinsured and want to do whatever they can to keep their dignity and get adequate helath care. The reason the USA has at its best good health care and overall not such good health care is that when humans here get very sick, the most technically advanced care is avaiable if they or their insurance will pay for it. If they can't afford it, the insured people might pay for it in a haphazard way through higher hospital costs and public care costs. An organized health plan that keeps everyone as healthy as possible at home will keep overall health care costs down.
Incidentally, if it is unconstitutional to mandate health insurance, then it must be also unconstitutional to mandate automobile insurance (which is now the general rule in the USA).
Well, for whatever it's worth, that's what this dog thinks.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are There Any Serious Republican Candidates Hiding Out There?

Hi Humans,
Have you been watching the Republican Primary Debates? I think the serious Republican candidates must be waiting for 2016. I can't believe that the comedians who are running in the Republican primaries are serious. Even their attempts at humor are not that good.
For example, education is a serious issue in the USA. In the zeal to cut government spending, education has suffered, and a less educated labor force decreases America's ability to compete for trade in the world. Politicians look for a cheap fix by laying the blame on teachers. If only the teachers were more dedicated. President Obama recently said he wants all children to go to college. Certainly the opportunity should be there for all, and as many as possible should avail themselves of it. But the reality is there will be people who will not go to college, and some of them would be best served by an eductional system that takes that into consideration and offers realistic cost effective alternatives (like trade schools). This could have presented an opportunity for a clever Republican to take a serious figurative shot at the president. Senator Santorum, had he been serious, could have made a point of this and offered an alternative plan in rebutting Mr. Obama's statement. But instead he called the president a "snob" which completely missed the point and dropped a political opportunity.
Well, what do I know? I'm just a dog.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where is Foreign Policy in the Republican Debates?

Hi Humans,
Have you noticed that in the Republican candidate debates, you hear very little about foreign policy. Could it be because of the tremendous success of President Obama in correcting the foreign policy mess that was created during the preceding Bush/Republican administration. After all Osama Bin Laden, the leader of the gang who attacked America on 9/11, was found and killed. Our troops are finally out of Iraq. Maybe we left a shaky Iraq behind us, but eventually they have to find their own way whatever happens. The USA is more respected in the world today than during the Bush administration.
The debates have focused mainly on the economy, and now that the economy is showing signs of revival, what do they have to talk about?