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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are There Any Serious Republican Candidates Hiding Out There?

Hi Humans,
Have you been watching the Republican Primary Debates? I think the serious Republican candidates must be waiting for 2016. I can't believe that the comedians who are running in the Republican primaries are serious. Even their attempts at humor are not that good.
For example, education is a serious issue in the USA. In the zeal to cut government spending, education has suffered, and a less educated labor force decreases America's ability to compete for trade in the world. Politicians look for a cheap fix by laying the blame on teachers. If only the teachers were more dedicated. President Obama recently said he wants all children to go to college. Certainly the opportunity should be there for all, and as many as possible should avail themselves of it. But the reality is there will be people who will not go to college, and some of them would be best served by an eductional system that takes that into consideration and offers realistic cost effective alternatives (like trade schools). This could have presented an opportunity for a clever Republican to take a serious figurative shot at the president. Senator Santorum, had he been serious, could have made a point of this and offered an alternative plan in rebutting Mr. Obama's statement. But instead he called the president a "snob" which completely missed the point and dropped a political opportunity.
Well, what do I know? I'm just a dog.

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