Hi Humans,
Have you seen the ad on television where one of you humans named Peterffy advises you to vote Republican because he opposes socialism? But President Obama is not a socialist. In fact he saved capitalism when it was on the verge of crashing because of the negligence of the Republicans. Even Romney all of a sudden has appeared to become somewhat moderate (in other words more socialist according to what appears to be Mr. Peterffy's definition) because he now believes he has to abandon the Radical Right to which he pandered to win the Republican nomination in order to woo the Centrists whom he needs to win the election. Actually, unions, Wall Street regulation, Affordable Health Care, keeping taxes fair and high enough to pay for the government's bills are necessary elements of modern capitalism. So Humans if you really love capitalism, vote for President Obama. With Romney you don't know who you might be getting, the new Romney who appears to be a Republican pseudo-Obama or the radical right wing Republican Romney from last month who might bring us to the financial brink like the Republicans did 4 years ago.
This little doggie can see that. I hope you humans with your big human brains can see it too.
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