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Saturday, October 1, 2016


Hi Humans,

It seems that whenever Trump says something derogatory about Hillary Clinton, he is talking about his own inadequacies.
He says “crooked Hillary” when he is the real crook. Look at Trump University where he stole money from vulnerable humans.
He condemns the Clinton Foundation which is a real charity that really does good deeds, but his Trump Foundation is mainly a front organization which benefits Trump himself financially.

He brings up Bill Clinton’s philandering, but Hillary Clinton is the one running for president, not Bill, and Trump himself has been an obsessive philanderer.

Trump made a big deal about Hillary’s stamina. Hillary showed complete stamina throughout the 90 minute debate, but Trump quickly fell apart. One could see the comparison clearly in the split screen.
So, anytime Trump criticizes Hillary, one needs to examine Trump to find the source.


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