Hi Humans,
Donald Trump has this trick where he insinuates things
about his opponent and claims he didn’t say it. He just heard it somewhere. He
insinuated President Obama wasn’t born in the USA, and more recently he said
Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the Kennedy assassination. But he just heard
it somewhere, insinuating it is common knowledge. He and his friends insinuate
that Hillary Clinton is dishonest. They latch on to anything, Ben Ghazi,
emails, whatever. But when the facts are laid out, as in the Ben Ghazi
hearings, Hillary came through with flying colors and demonstrated that she
acted appropriately for the circumstances. When she makes mistakes, she says
so, as she did with the emails. Trump on the other hand lies and does not admit
to any mistakes. He presents himself as perfection (which he obviously is not),
and some gullible humans believe him. You can get some humans to believe
anything. We dogs are smarter than them.
Let me turn the tables and do a Trumpism on Donald Trump.
Did you know that Trump is employed by ISIS? What’s my source? I don’t know? I
heard it somewhere There should be an investigation. Let the investigation
determine if it is true or not. Maybe it is true. Trump does talk like there
should be a clash between Christianity and Islam which is exactly what ISIS
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