Hi Humans,
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Hello Human Professor Trump, DTB (Doctor of Trickery and Bigotry from Trump University):
You say you want to make America safe from ISIS by increasing the US military, implying that the military has been ineffective under President Obama. Well let's clarify things. There are 2 issues in fighting ISIS. First there is the geographic issue. That is where a strong military counts. It involves defeating ISIS on the battlefield and ultimately eliminating its Caliphate. That will free the local people (mostly Moslems) whom they oppress, make life easier for the surrounding countries, and promote the international status of the USA. But it will not stop terrorism elsewhere including here. Actually the USA under president Obama has been successful on that issue. ISIS is losing on the battlefield and their Caliphate has shrunken to a fraction of what it was. And most of the ground fighting is being done by our local allies supported by our military. As for the second issue, terrorism in America, unlike Europe which has a tradition of ghettoizing minorities, the USA is a nation of minorities where assimilation comes relatively easy. The American Moslems are one of many minorities here and for the most part assimilate like all the other minorities. That's why we don't have the coordinated attacks like they have in Europe (other than 9/11). The vulnerability here is easy access to all kinds of firearms. Most of the terrorist acts here are perpetrated by isolated screwballs inspired by ISIS who go to the local gun shop and "legally" buy all the military style killing machines they desire. They are not so different from the regular screwballs (like Sandy Hook, etc) who actually outnumber them and have killed many more Americans than they have. The first step in curbing that violence by terrorist and other screwballs is GUN CONTROL which you, Professor Trump, oppose. The other weapon against terrorism is the assimilation of the Moslem American community which is already happening and which you also seem to oppose. Tell me, Professor Trump, are you employed by ISIS? or just stupid? or just pandering to the prejudices of your base?
Friday, July 29, 2016
Hello Human Professor Trump (of Trump University),
So when are we going to see your tax return? Now I personally don't have to pay income tax because being a dog I don't make any money. If I were human and made oodles of money like you do, I would be happy to pay my fair share to the community and still have lots of it left over. But I assume you don't see things that way. Otherwise you wouldn't be hiding you tax return.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Dear Human Putin,
Please don't interfere in the American elections. All right so you like Professor Trump of Trump University. I know you tough guys like to support each other. And I realize that Professor Trump might be willing to let you nibble away pieces of your neighboring country's real estate. And I realize that you are scared of smart Americans like Mrs. Clinton and President Obama because they are not so willing to let you get away with stuff. And I realize that you don't like NATO and appreciate's Trump's willingness to sell them down the drain. But Mr. Human Putin, I think Hillary will win the election and you will have to put up with another 8 years of good guys.
Please don't interfere in the American elections. All right so you like Professor Trump of Trump University. I know you tough guys like to support each other. And I realize that Professor Trump might be willing to let you nibble away pieces of your neighboring country's real estate. And I realize that you are scared of smart Americans like Mrs. Clinton and President Obama because they are not so willing to let you get away with stuff. And I realize that you don't like NATO and appreciate's Trump's willingness to sell them down the drain. But Mr. Human Putin, I think Hillary will win the election and you will have to put up with another 8 years of good guys.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Hi Humans,
Professor Trump of Trump University says, "Chloe why do you keep harping about Trump University. Look at Hillary and her emails. She should go to jail."
Professor Chloe of the Little Dog University says, "Hillary's email indiscretion was done for convenience. No malice was intended against anyone, no one was harmed, and it was not intended for or resulted in any personal monetary gain to Mrs. Clinton. Also Hillary admitted that it was poor judgment. On the other hand Trump University was a con job meant to bilk money out of other humans to line the pockets of Trump. And instead of admitting you were wrong, you attacked the judge for having a Hispanic name. And by the way, when we will we be seeing your income tax returns? Hillary's returns are public. What are you hiding?"
Professor Trump of Trump University says, "Chloe why do you keep harping about Trump University. Look at Hillary and her emails. She should go to jail."
Professor Chloe of the Little Dog University says, "Hillary's email indiscretion was done for convenience. No malice was intended against anyone, no one was harmed, and it was not intended for or resulted in any personal monetary gain to Mrs. Clinton. Also Hillary admitted that it was poor judgment. On the other hand Trump University was a con job meant to bilk money out of other humans to line the pockets of Trump. And instead of admitting you were wrong, you attacked the judge for having a Hispanic name. And by the way, when we will we be seeing your income tax returns? Hillary's returns are public. What are you hiding?"
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Hi Humans,
Professor Trump of Trump University says, “I will do many
good things for you, and I will lower taxes, and I will build up the military,
and I will stop terrorism, and
I will bring jobs back, and I will make America great again.”
Professor Chloe of the Little Dog University says, “If
you lower taxes where will you get the money to pay for all those other things?
You seem to be math challenged. Maybe you should quit Trump University and
enroll at the Little Dog University where you would get a better education. By
the way, America is great now, especially since Obama has been president.”
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Hi Humans,
Donald Trump has this trick where he insinuates things
about his opponent and claims he didn’t say it. He just heard it somewhere. He
insinuated President Obama wasn’t born in the USA, and more recently he said
Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the Kennedy assassination. But he just heard
it somewhere, insinuating it is common knowledge. He and his friends insinuate
that Hillary Clinton is dishonest. They latch on to anything, Ben Ghazi,
emails, whatever. But when the facts are laid out, as in the Ben Ghazi
hearings, Hillary came through with flying colors and demonstrated that she
acted appropriately for the circumstances. When she makes mistakes, she says
so, as she did with the emails. Trump on the other hand lies and does not admit
to any mistakes. He presents himself as perfection (which he obviously is not),
and some gullible humans believe him. You can get some humans to believe
anything. We dogs are smarter than them.
Let me turn the tables and do a Trumpism on Donald Trump.
Did you know that Trump is employed by ISIS? What’s my source? I don’t know? I
heard it somewhere There should be an investigation. Let the investigation
determine if it is true or not. Maybe it is true. Trump does talk like there
should be a clash between Christianity and Islam which is exactly what ISIS
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Hi Human Republicans,
You claim to stand for law and order, and you claim that
you want to make America safe again. Yet you are the same guys who have turned
America into a gun anarchy. That is the biggest factor in promoting crime. The
mass murders of police in Dallas and Baton Rouge, of children in Sandy Hook, of
gays in Orlando, by terrorists in San Bernardino all involved assault rifles
suitable for the military. If the USA were not infested with those readily
available killing machines, the murderers would have been limited in their ability
to mass murder. If there were the same level of gun control (including hand
guns) found in most civilized countries, criminals would not have such easy
access to guns, and the police wouldn’t have to be so fast on the trigger in
the tough neighborhoods. So why do you Republicans preach law, order, and
safety but do nothing to protect the police and the public from the gun
epidemic? The reason is that the Republican party is not really the party of
public safety but rather the party of MONEY and selling guns makes MONEY for
the gun lobby. For you Republicans MONEY is what really counts, not safety for
the police or the public.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Hi Humans,
Some of you humans do this irrational thing called terrorism. Lately, terrorism has been popular with a group of Moslem Humans who say God makes them do it. Of course the most gullible among them are sent out to do the job while the senders sit back and plan the evil. In Europe where minorities tend to be isolated, finding gullibles is relatively easy. That isolation of minorities is Europe's weakness in regard to terrorism. Here in the USA, there is a different weakness. American Moslems are more accepted and better integrated. This is a nation of minorities. Inclusiveness is America's strength. The weakness here is the GUN ANARCHY! America is fertile ground for the individual screwball who can just waltz into a gun shop or gun show or order a multi-bullet killing machine online! The terrorists don't need a network here, just dump a suggestion on some simpleton to get a gun and go out and kill. The NRA is the accomplice of the terrorists, and the members of Congress who do the bidding of the NRA are the accomplices of the NRA.
Some of you humans do this irrational thing called terrorism. Lately, terrorism has been popular with a group of Moslem Humans who say God makes them do it. Of course the most gullible among them are sent out to do the job while the senders sit back and plan the evil. In Europe where minorities tend to be isolated, finding gullibles is relatively easy. That isolation of minorities is Europe's weakness in regard to terrorism. Here in the USA, there is a different weakness. American Moslems are more accepted and better integrated. This is a nation of minorities. Inclusiveness is America's strength. The weakness here is the GUN ANARCHY! America is fertile ground for the individual screwball who can just waltz into a gun shop or gun show or order a multi-bullet killing machine online! The terrorists don't need a network here, just dump a suggestion on some simpleton to get a gun and go out and kill. The NRA is the accomplice of the terrorists, and the members of Congress who do the bidding of the NRA are the accomplices of the NRA.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Hi Humans,
This has been a week of one tragedy after another. Some emphasize Black Lives Matter. Some emphasize Police Lives Matter. Actually All Lives Matter (including us dogs and other mammals). But what is the solution? Some emphasize better training for the police and the recognition that there is racism among a minority of police as there is in a minority of all occupations. Some emphasize supporting the police. They protect the community and the rule of law. But there is something that is not said enough that greatly outweighs all the other factors. That is GUNS! Police have to make split second decisions. If there were not so many guns out there, the police would not have to be on edge. There would be less mistakes. If the screwballs who murdered police in Dallas and Baton Rouge did not have access to mass killing weapons that outgunned the police, the carnage would have been less. If they did not have easy access to guns in this US gun anarchy with a Congress ruled by the NRA, the tragedies might have been avoided altogether. What right does the NRA have to put police in danger so the gun lobby can increase profits? In Cleveland tomorrow they will lay the blame everywhere but where it belongs, on the NRA and themselves for cowardly bowing to the wishes of the NRA.
This has been a week of one tragedy after another. Some emphasize Black Lives Matter. Some emphasize Police Lives Matter. Actually All Lives Matter (including us dogs and other mammals). But what is the solution? Some emphasize better training for the police and the recognition that there is racism among a minority of police as there is in a minority of all occupations. Some emphasize supporting the police. They protect the community and the rule of law. But there is something that is not said enough that greatly outweighs all the other factors. That is GUNS! Police have to make split second decisions. If there were not so many guns out there, the police would not have to be on edge. There would be less mistakes. If the screwballs who murdered police in Dallas and Baton Rouge did not have access to mass killing weapons that outgunned the police, the carnage would have been less. If they did not have easy access to guns in this US gun anarchy with a Congress ruled by the NRA, the tragedies might have been avoided altogether. What right does the NRA have to put police in danger so the gun lobby can increase profits? In Cleveland tomorrow they will lay the blame everywhere but where it belongs, on the NRA and themselves for cowardly bowing to the wishes of the NRA.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Hi Humans,
On the issues of Black lives matter and police lives matter, we hear reasonable humans talking about common areas of interest. But what is the common area of interest. it is GUN CONTROL. If the public in high crime areas did not have easy access to GUNS, the police would not have to be on edge and therefore not so easy on the trigger. However in the NRA led gun anarchy in the USA today, police are open to danger. Police and the military need guns. The public does not. If guns were absent from the street, this nation would be a safer place for the police and the public. More guns = more killing. Killing is the purpose of guns. Today any screwball, terrorist, or nebbish who needs a gun to feel macho can walk into a gun store or gun show or go online and buy a gun, even military type rapid fire killing machines. Strict gun control would go a long way toward bringing American gun violence under control. If the founding fathers of the USA would have foreseen how the Second Amendment was going to be perverted, they would have left it out.
On the issues of Black lives matter and police lives matter, we hear reasonable humans talking about common areas of interest. But what is the common area of interest. it is GUN CONTROL. If the public in high crime areas did not have easy access to GUNS, the police would not have to be on edge and therefore not so easy on the trigger. However in the NRA led gun anarchy in the USA today, police are open to danger. Police and the military need guns. The public does not. If guns were absent from the street, this nation would be a safer place for the police and the public. More guns = more killing. Killing is the purpose of guns. Today any screwball, terrorist, or nebbish who needs a gun to feel macho can walk into a gun store or gun show or go online and buy a gun, even military type rapid fire killing machines. Strict gun control would go a long way toward bringing American gun violence under control. If the founding fathers of the USA would have foreseen how the Second Amendment was going to be perverted, they would have left it out.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Hi Humans,
Black lives matter. Police lives matter. All lives matter.
The police are there to protect the public. The public needs to feel safe. Poverty, unemployment, prejudice, are all factors. But one glaring problem is widespread gun ownership, including assault rifles which were used by the killers in Dallas, Orlando, San Bernardino, and so many other places. The list goes on and on. Communities with more guns have more gun homicides. That is a fact. Easy access to assault rifles with multiple rapid fire bullets means any screwball can kill many fellow humans as fast as possible. Yet Congress is ruled by the NRA. Is this the USA or the US of NRA? Getting out of the clutches of the NRA will be the first step in protecting the police and the public. How can you expect the police to always make the correct decision when they operate in a gun anarchy. Mistakes are bound to happen as we have seen demonstrated. And killers with their gun toys will use any excuse to act out.
Black lives matter. Police lives matter. All lives matter.
The police are there to protect the public. The public needs to feel safe. Poverty, unemployment, prejudice, are all factors. But one glaring problem is widespread gun ownership, including assault rifles which were used by the killers in Dallas, Orlando, San Bernardino, and so many other places. The list goes on and on. Communities with more guns have more gun homicides. That is a fact. Easy access to assault rifles with multiple rapid fire bullets means any screwball can kill many fellow humans as fast as possible. Yet Congress is ruled by the NRA. Is this the USA or the US of NRA? Getting out of the clutches of the NRA will be the first step in protecting the police and the public. How can you expect the police to always make the correct decision when they operate in a gun anarchy. Mistakes are bound to happen as we have seen demonstrated. And killers with their gun toys will use any excuse to act out.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Hi Humans,
Congratulations to the State of California for enacting new and improved laws controlling guns and ammunition. Let us hope that the entire US will heed California's example and make the entire country more safe.
Congratulations to the State of California for enacting new and improved laws controlling guns and ammunition. Let us hope that the entire US will heed California's example and make the entire country more safe.
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