Hi Humans,

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Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi Humans,
The present Republican Primary Elections have brought out some scary humans. First there is Mr. Trump. He says some rather blatantly scary bigoted things. Whatever scary thought happens to fall into his head at the moment falls out of his mouth (like a person with Tourette Syndrome).  But since he doesn't tell the truth, you don't know if he really believes the stuff he says. There is a small chance that once elected he would abandon the garbage he has said (but then you never know). Then there is Mr. Cruz. In a way he is scarier. He puts on a nicer front, but he says many of the same scary things, and he seems to really believe them. But the scariest of all are those many humans who eat up those scary thoughts and actually believe them. We can only hope that they will be the minority at the polls. Otherwise this nation (and the world) are in deep doodoo.

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