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Thursday, December 17, 2015

ISIS, Terrorism, and Murder

Hi Humans,
Did you see the Republican debate on television last night. The theme was that the American people (humans) are frightened because of the threat of terrorism from ISIS and that the President has not been doing anything to protect the American people and they would. However their definition of terrorism, threats to the American people, and how to protect the American people seemed more to serve their political goals rather than addressing any real threats to America. So what are the real threats? There are actually two threats. One is to the personal safety of individual American humans. The other is a threat to the interests of the USA and its allies.
Let's first look at the threat to individual American humans. There have been 3 attacks by radical Muslims on American soil in the last 14 years. The largest by far was the first, namely the hijacking or American airliners and flying them into the twin towers, killing about 2,000 Americans. Since then airport security in the USA has been beefed up, and any further attempts at destruction of US airliners have been foiled or prevented. When the shoe bomber tried to blow up an airliner in flight, other passengers jumped on him and stopped him. Other than that there have been 2 terrorist incidents over the last 14 years by radical Muslims, the Boston Marathon bombing and the recent gun murders in San Bernardino. Of course the Republican candidates in their debate said nothing about the other terrorist incidents that have caused many more deaths, for example the mass gun murders at Planned Parenthood clinics. Like the radical Muslim killers, they killed for a cause and thought they were doing a good deed. Then there are the screwballs who have committed the majority of mass murders in the US because of paranoia or some other mental illness. The factors common to all of these murders have been weak minded human killers and access to weapons. Gun control should be the first step in denying any of these maniacs, radical Muslim terrorists, radical terrorists, or any other terrorist group access to weapons. We also need to do our best to identify the terrorists and win the war of ideas.
As for ISIS in Syria and Iraq, although the terror they have committed on US soil so far has been only a small part of the terror America has experienced by the various terrorist individuals and groups, we can not just ignore what they are doing elsewhere in the world. We need to support our allies as we have been doing. But it should be in a way that will win, not with the clash of civilizations that is in their play book and mirrored by some fringe groups on our side.
America is strong. The terrorists can temporarily make life unpleasant, but they are actually weak. Ultimately sanity will prevail and civility will win.

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