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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Who is Israel's Real Friend?

Hi Humans,
Some humans have a way of slanting things to further a secondary gain and other humans believe them. For example, some politicians who don’t like President Obama for whatever reason and want to win over certain people like us Jews ( I consider myself to be Jewish even though I am a dog because I live in a Jewish home) by saying he is against Israel and even insinuating that he favors Hamas in the present crisis. This is blatantly not true. The politicians who oppose our president can talk the talk but Mr. Obama can walk the walk. Obama and Netanyahu can at times disagree on specific issues as friends can do. Some Republicans can parrot Netanyahu with emptiness underneath their words. When the chips are down, it is Obama who speaks the truth and has Israel’s back. The reality is that military cooperation between the U.S.A. and Israel has been at its highest since Obama has been president. When Hamas broke the last truce that Secretary Kerry and others had so painstakingly put together, President Obama openly laid the blame squarely on the culprit (Hamas). And who actually facilitated the installation of Hamas as the leadership in Gaza in the first place if not the Republican Bush administration? Bush’s secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, believed that if given the opportunity all people would choose democracy and make the right choices (the same logic that drew us into the Iraq debacle) . She was wrong! The Bush administration pushed for early Palestinian elections, and surprise surprise they elected the bad guys (Hamas). Then realizing their blunder, the Bush administration supported a civil war between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza, but surprise again, Hamas won, cementing the position of the bad guys even more. So who is Israel’s real friend?

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