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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A New Amendment to Clarify the Second Amendment

Hi Humans,
There is a question as to the interpretation of the Second Amendment. The gun lobby and the NRA interpret it as guns for everyone of any kind and in any number. Those who favor gun regulation focus on the fact that the amendment establishes the right of a state to have a militia. The Supreme Court, having a slight majority of right wing judges, has with its big brains ruled in favor of the gun people. Therefore now it is time to make a new amendment clarifying the Second Amendment, which will say that Second Amendment only establishes state militias (the National Guard). the new amendment should also make strict Federal Control of the possession by private individuals of all kinds of forearms so that the American people will be safe from gun violence (like the other civilized nations) and so that the police won't be outgunned by the criminals and gun nuts.
It won't happen overnight, but you the American people have to start by telling your representatives in Congress that this is what you want, and by voting out of office the senators and congressmen who pander to the gun lobby.

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