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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Emma Thompson / Boycott Shakespeare??

Hi Humans, particularly Ms. Emma Thompson,
Recently in the news, it was written that a number of British theater people objected to the Globe Theater inviting the Habima Theater of Israel to perform at the Globe Theater because a few of Habima's performance were at a Jewish West Bank settlement. Ms. Thompson, I am directing this letter specifically to you because I never heard of the other people listed, and I actually have enjoyed your movie performances and consider you a great actress.
Ms. Thompson, if one were to follow your logic, then one should boycott the writings of William Shakespeare. After all, Shakespeare wrote in 16th Century England at a time when England was colonizing far away lands, killing and enslaving their native inhabitants. I am not aware that Shakespeare did any protesting against those misdeeds. In fact, he glorified England. The misdeeds done by England at that time were not to protect the existence of England but rather for greed.
Israel is a small country surrounded by nations and people who demonize Jews in their schools and who believe a Jewish nation is an anomaly in their midst. Israelis look around them and see chaos and cruelty in their neighbors. I do not agree with some of the decisions made by the current Israeli government including expansion of settlements. But no nation in this world is always correct. I do not live in Israel and am not personally faced with the existential danger that Israel faces. To attack cultural and academic Israeli institutions is counterproductive and attacks the most progressive voices in Israel.
As a dog living in a Jewish home, I can only hope that at some future time the Israeli and Palestinian people will make the necessary compromises to make a better life for everyone concerned. But it will require painful compromises on both sides. Boycotts against either side will not cause it to happen.
Anyway, I will still appreciate the work of William Shakespeare because boycotting him won't change anything (and incidentally the play to be performed by Habima was written by Shakespeare). Even my little doggie brain knows that.

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