Hi Humans,

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Gun Shooting at Maryland Mall

Hi Humans,
The breaking news today is that a gun man opened fire at a shopping mall in Columbia, Maryland.The result was 3 dead humans including the gun shooter. In the news they said the motive still has not been determined. Motive? Isn't it always the same? A screwball gets a thing in his head about wanting to kill people. So he goes to a gun show or online or the toy store or wherever and buys a gun. It's too easy! As long as the USA has lax gun laws, this madness will occur again and again. Humans! It's time to stand up to the NRA and other gun bullies. Don't let them do this to you. Vote out the politicians whom they buy. Replace them with humans who look out for your safety with stronger gone laws.

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