Hi Humans,
You use words in strange way. If a word is supposed to be good, then you want to call yourself that even if it doesn't fit. This is especially true in Politics. In the USA (unlike some other places), Socialism is a bad word. So people on the extreme Left call themselves Progressive, Social Democrats, anything but Socialist. Some people on the Right consider Liberal to be a bad word (somehow associated with Socialism) even though Liberalism means freedom and is what America is all about. Republicans like the word Conservative even though their party is being taken over by radical zealots like the Tea Party Toddlers who espouse a philosophy that borders on Anarchy (a bad word which they would not accept).
Recently, President Obama saved Capitalism by continuing the Stimulus which was started by President Bush to save Capitalism when he realized that it was going to self destruct because of the unbridled dishonesty of Wall Street which the Republicans allowed.
So now they say President Obama's popularity is low. The extreme Left dislike him because he has turned out to be the pragmatic, slightly left of center Conservative that he always has been (they were just practicing denial). The extreme Right dislike him because they have designated him to be a Leftist, Socialist, Liberal (all the bad words they can think of) no matter what he does. They refuse to let reality get in the way of their fiction.
So what can you expect from Humans and their words? We dogs are spared the silliness of semantics because we don't speak at all.
I think your post is basically on politics and semantics. That is how does one define liberal, conservative, progressive etc. Your blog entree is much interesting food for thought.