Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hi Humans,
The recent tragedy in Tucson again brings us to consider the wisdom of allowing everyone to buy guns and bullets so easily in the U.S.A. Remember the purpose of a gun is to kill or injure another creature, human or otherwise. Gun people say it is their right to own one or more guns and that it is for sport. They believe that the freedom to own a gun (for sport) outweighs the possibility that this freedom can result in injury or death to someone because it allows that freedom to any lunatic who exercises that freedom.
So let's make an analogy. In most communities in the U.S. A. it is illegal for humans to expose their private parts in public. Now I am not proposing that you humans become exhibitionists (although we dogs do it routinely), but let us compare. The reason you humans don't expose yourelves is that it hurts the sensibilites of a significant part of the community. So let us continue with the analogy. Suppose some female humans decided to make a sport in which they would expose their breasts in public in order to compare which one had the best breasts in quality and quantity. Male humans might do the same in comparing their genitalia. Many of the very same people who support guns as a sport would be appalled by making a sport out of comparing breasts or genitalia. If you were to ask one of us dogs what is more immoral, shooting other creatures or exposition, isn't it obvious what the answer would be? So who is the smarter animal, the human or the dog?

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