Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Thursday, June 30, 2016


Hi Humans,

We dogs see life as it is. You humans see only what you want to see. When President Obama was first elected, humans on the radical left identified with him thinking he was one of them, and humans on the radical right demonized him as the ultimate radical leftist. Neither side understood what he had written or what he had said prior to the election. President Obama is now and has been in the past a conservative cautious slightly left of center centrist. During his term as president he has been attacked from both the left and right which demonstrates what a great president he has been.


Monday, June 27, 2016


Hi Humans,
I would like to recommend a recent article in Bloomberg Weekly in which President Obama is interviewed concerning his views on the economy. The gist of the article is that globalization and capitalism are good, but regulation by government is necessary to keep markets flowing normally and to enable ordinary humans to benefit from the good results of globalization and capitalism. The corporations and therefore the humans at the top of those corporations benefit from regulation because regular flowing markets and participating workers make for a better economy. An example of deregulation allowing the worst part of Wall Street to run amuck was seen in the economic meltdown that preceded the election of President Obama. That perfect storm combined deregulation with artificially low taxes and an expensive war financed by kick the can down the road borrowing. Capitalism should not be demonized or destroyed but rather guided for the benefit of all.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Hi Humans,
Did you see Donald Trump in Scotland on television when it became known that the majority of the British people voted to exit from the EU. Trump was there to promote his golf resort and in his speech he focused on just that. He only mentioned BREXIT (or anything other than himself and his own business) when prompted by the media. Of course he commended the locals for voting for BREXIT which is anti-global, xenophobic, and anti-immigration (kind of like Trump). However, he did not know that Scotland voted for remaining in the EU and therefore Brexit might cause Scotland to vote for independence from Britain (how about that, xenophobes?). Meanwhile Trump’s reaction to the turmoil in the markets caused by BREXIT was maybe it would create an opportunity for him to make money. Is that what you want in a president? He seems more interested in his own pocket book than in the world and American economies. Some of his little Trumpers think his money will somehow trickle down on them. And these humans are supposed to be smarter than us dogs?

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Hi Humans,
My friend Russell has suggested an excellent idea to help gun safety. Make a law that mandates liability insurance for all guns (like you have with automobile insurance). It would have a win win effect. It would protect the gun owners who get sued. It would compensate the victims of gun violence (or their families if they are deceased). And once the big insurance companies have a financial interest in gun safety, they will promote it with clout. But, unfortunately, the NRA probably wouldn’t give their Republicans in Congress permission to enact such a law (unless Congress becomes less Republican).

Friday, June 24, 2016


Hi Humans,
Professor Trump of Trump University says climate change is a hoax and more guns will make fewer gun deaths.
Professor Chloe of The Little Dog University says that Trump is full of you know what. We are already seeing the effects of climate change as predicted by the scientists, and statistics show that communities with more guns have more gun deaths.

And you humans claim to be smarter than us dogs. Really?


Thursday, June 23, 2016


Hi Humans,
Did you know that Australia instituted strict gun laws including a ban on rapid fire weapons after a mass murder occurred there about 20 years ago. Guess what? As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, now they don't have mass murders. America can do the same if only Congress can be freed from the NRA.
The Republican Speaker of the House complained that the sit in is "anarchy." Real anarchy is the lack of gun laws in the USA.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Hi Humans,
Support the sit-in by Human Sane Congressmen to get the NRA led Republican Congress to vote on minimal gun safety legislation. The proposed laws do not go far enough, but they are better than nothing. The Republicans are so subservient to the NRA that they aren't even ready to prevent terrorists from buying guns meant for mass killing. The automatic killing machine purchased legally by Dead Omar, the Orlando terrorist, could be folded up allowing it to be smuggled into the Pulse Bar. It was invented originally for US Government Special Operations, not for the general public. But money was to be made, so this special feature ideal for terrorists, was actually advertised by the manufacturer in its pitch to the general public. After all, as "Trump  University" demonstrated, anything goes if it makes money, no matter what harm it does.

Hi fellow Dogs,
If only I could communicate to you, I would say we should all sit in support of the sit in at the house of Representatives and refuse to fetch or do any of the dumb things that Humans want us to do.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Hello Human Republican Senators,
Shame on you! Shame on you for putting your subservience to the NRA ahead of the American people and ahead of life. You refused to pass even the most minimal of gun laws. You even allow killing machines for terrorists to serve your gun anarchist masters. Evil occurs when "good" people allow it to happen. How cowardly can you be? Let us hope that the humans of America will wake up in the upcoming election and boot you out of office.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Hi Humans,

You humans have this mathematical discipline called statistics which can shed light on stuff that humans say. So here are some statistics concerning gun homicides in the USA (published online in the BBC News).
13,286 humans were killed in the US by firearms in 2015 (not including suicide)
26,819 humans were injured in the US by firearms in 2015

According to Wikipedia, 10 countries with more gun related deaths per population than the US include Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Swaziland, and Venezuela. Uruguay's rate was just slightly greater than the US. Thirty countries listed have fewer gun related deaths than the US. The countries will fewer gun deaths but approaching the US rate include Mexico, Nicaragua, Argentina, Costa Rica, Montenegro, Paraguay, and the Phillipines. The other 23 countries listed have much fewer gun deaths than the US.

I think the USA and much of our hemisphere have room for improvement. Don't you think so?


Friday, June 17, 2016


Hi Humans,
Hooray for Human Senator Chris Murphy for forcing the Republican senators to discuss and vote on sane legislation concerning assault weapons. Assault weapons were invented for the military. They are meant to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. They are made easy to use for soldiers who often are taken from normal life and quickly sent to harms way to protect America. They were not invented for the pleasure of terrorists, gangsters, or any screwball who wants to do mass murder, no matter what the NRA says. Because of the work of Senator Murphy, the Republican senators have to choose between their constituents who want safety and their benefactors in the NRA who want to sell as many guns as possible to make as much money as possible no matter what the cost in death to ordinary Americans.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Hi Humans,

There have been terrorist attacks in the USA in the last decade or so, and many have been perpetrated by Islamic terrorists instigated by ISIS and similar organizations. The most prominent have been the attack on a Gay bar in Orlando, on a party in San Bernardino, and at the Boston City Marathon by Islamic terrorists. The Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks on abortion clinics have been by Christians. You might also include the many mass killings (like Sandy Hook and too many others to list them all) by mentally deranged humans with easy access to guns. I am not aware of any major terrorist attacks in the US by Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, or Pagans. Unlike Europe, most people in the US are descendants of immigrant and comfortable with assimilation. Here most terrorists are “lone wolfs” inspired but not immediately directed by foreign forces. So how does one fight that kind of terrorism?

1.    Gun control. The Orlando murderer used an assault weapon that enabled him to kill many humans quickly. Assault weapons should not be available to the general public.

2.    The killer had a history of being interviewed by the FBI on 2 occasions for possible associations with militant groups. The bar needs to be lowered for red lights that should deny a questionable human from owning a gun, especially an assault weapon. However with the present gun anarchy that exists in the US, even if there were such a law concerning gun store sales, a criminal could just buy a gun at a gun show or online or get one from a friend or relative. All transfers of guns should be registered with the government and regulated at gun stores, gun shows, private sales, gifts, or in any manner. Assault rifles or magazines that accommodate multiple bullets should be illegal for anyone other than the police or military. All guns should be registered and any gun transfer should be registered and controlled. Any gun that is lost without notifying the authorities or transferred without a registration and background check should be illegal and cause the owner or transferer to be criminally libel for any crime committed using that gun. These laws should be made at the federal level. They are too serious to be left to the states. In most matters I favor progress by evolution rather than revolution, but in the matter of gun control, revolution is needed to correct the gun epidemic as soon as possible. It is an emergency.

3.    None of the above will happen if the Congress is left to the Republicans who have been slavishly under the thumb of the NRA and the gun anarchists. This upcoming election will be an opportunity to elect Hillary Clinton and a Democratic Congress to end the gun anarchy and bring the gun insanity under control.

4.    The government should have the ability to monitor the internet and emails and break encryption as much as is needed to catch potential terrorists. Privacy is important, but this is a war and our defenders need whatever tools and intelligence are needed to find and disrupt the enemy.

5.    ISIS should be destroyed. It can not and should not be done by America alone. It needs to be done together with allies. It needs to be done in a war of ideas. Military war alone is not enough. Trump’s bluster will accomplish nothing other than alienating the allies we need to do the job.

I know the above would freak out the gun anarchists and the NRA, but that is what this little dog thinks. What do you humans with your big brains think? You can make comments.



Monday, June 13, 2016


Hi Humans,
Did you notice that Donald Trump criticized President Obama for not using Trump's exact words "Islamic Terrorism" in describing the massacre in Orlando because according to Trump that is not "politically correct." Actually the President did describe it as an act of terrorism and a hate crime, both of which descriptions were true. Mr. Trump, maybe you should send the President a script if he is supposed to parrot your words. On the other hand, why did you neglect to mention that the attack was on a Gay bar because the killer hated and specifically targeted Gays? Maybe it was because that is politically incorrect among the bigots to whom you pander.


To Dead Omar,
I am writing this note to you although I know you can’t read it because you are dead. But it is really meant for other little ISIS patsies out there who find no meaning in life and might be planning to do something similar to what you did. First of all, you did not represent God. God is a human attempt to find meaning in life. You destroyed life because it has no value to you. You celebrated death. The real God celebrates life. America and modern civilization which you hated so much represent freedom, diversity, inclusion, progress, excitement, and living. ISIS represents slavery, fear, phobia, backwardness, stagnation, and death. You chose a Gay bar to attack because it represents the ultimate American freedom, the freedom to be oneself. You hated Gays because you envied that freedom. You were told that you would be a martyr in heaven where wonderful things would happen to you. Stupid
Dead Omar, your victims are the martyrs. If there is a heaven, they are there with God. You are just dead, nothing.

Dead Omar, one last thing. ISIS will lose. America and modern civilization will defeat you. The human experience moves forward incrementally in fits and starts, 2 steps forward, one step backward, but ultimately forward. ISIS and all other backward ideologies will ultimately be crushed by the forward momentum.


Sunday, June 12, 2016


Hi Humans,
Yesterday on the local news, a male human with a gun ended an argument with his girl friend by shooting and wounding her and her son. Then he turned the gun on her two teen age daughters and killed them. Then he killed himself. The gun anarchists claim humans need guns to protect themselves from intruders. However, the truth is that most gun homicides are done by humans who know the victims, in other words friends and relatives. Disputes occur in any community, but in this American gun culture disputes too often end in gun violence because guns are so readily available. The police and the military need guns to protect the community, but what do individual humans need with guns? Hunting? Hunting is not a sport. Carnivores like my cousins the wolves have to be predators to survive. I am sure that they would prefer to have their meat served to them on a plate, but that is not their lot in life. Little human hunters hunt because it makes them feel tough. They wouldn't be so tough if the rest of us animals could shoot back.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Hi Humans,

Sadly yet another shooting in the U.S. gun epidemic. This time it was a celebrity, Christina Grimmie. The killer was another small human who thought that killing with a gun would somehow make him important. The list of these pinhead trivial creeps goes on and on (like the killer in Connecticut who shot up a classroom of little children, the husband and wife team who murdered innocent humans in San Bernardino because they hated humans who did not believe in their twisted version of Islam, that little Zimmerman creep who needed a gun to feel big and used it to kill Trayvon Martin, and so many other little humans who brandish guns to make up for their own inadequacies). The NRA and fellow gun anarchists, when prompted, will say something like they feel bad for the victim and it is people who kill, not guns. But screwballs exist! When they have easy access to guns, as they do in our US gun anarchy, some of them will eventually act out (and have done so). If they did not have access to guns, they would not be able to act out with a gun! That is so simple that even a little dog like me can understand it. Are the gun anarchists so simple minded that they don't understand? Or is it maybe that they don't care. Their gun toys are more important than life! For the NRA and the gun manufacturers it is a matter of money. They consider selling guns to be more important than life.
So, obviously the criminally insane killers need to be locked up with the key thrown away, but what should be done with their enablers who value gun toys over life and the greedy gun sellers who value money over life so much that they fight any restriction on gun sales no matter what? The purpose of guns is to kill humans and other creatures. Police need guns. Soldiers need guns. But who else really needs guns?


Thursday, June 9, 2016


Congratulations Human Hillary,
Congratulations for winning the nomination. Now on to the presidency.
Congratulations Human Bernie and all your human followers for fighting a good campaign. Now it's time to come together to win the election for sanity and the Democratic party.
Congratulations to our state of California for clarifying in the end who is the nominee.
I hope in my little way this dog has helped.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Hi Humans,
You humans have muscles in your faces that give your faces various expressions (happy, sad, excited, calm, serious, not serious, etc). To some extent you can control your facial expressions, but often it just comes out naturally. We dogs don't have variable facial expressions. Our facial muscles just don't do it. We show our emotions in other ways (tail wagging, stance, etc). So it's interesting to see the facial expressions of the candidates in the US presidential election. Hillary Clinton has the most natural facial expressions which go along and enhance what she is thinking and saying. Her expressions give her a certain transparency. Bernie Sanders' expressions seem more limited but equally honest. He has two basic expressions, his usual grumpy one, and his occasional smile when something tickles him. On the other hand Donald Trump has his phony serious expression which he wears like a mask. He seems to think that expression looks presidential, but the words that drop out of his mouth reveal otherwise. I imagine his faithful don't look deeper than the mask. I think that in the general elections (at least I hope) most American humans will compare the words of Hillary and Donald, and elect Hillary.

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Hi Humans,
In an earlier entry, I said Hillary is cake without frosting, Bernie is frosting without cake, and Donald is an empty cake box. Well, this week Donald is still an empty box, Bernie is still frosting without cake, but Hillary is now cake with frosting too.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hi Humans,
Donald Trump says that you should trust him. A number of humans trusted him and gave him large sums of money to enroll in his "Trump University" which turned out to be a worthless hoax. Now why should you trust him to become president? Yet so many of you are doing just that. And you humans think you are smarter than us dogs!