Hi Humans,
In regards to the elections, Hillary Clinton favors progress by evolution (as President Obama has been doing successfully the past 7 1/2 years) toward a safer, more prosperous, and more balanced America. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders say the system is broken, so they advocate revolution (break the mold and start again) although their revolutions are strikingly different from each other. Bernie's revolution is clearly toward socialism and economic equality. Donald's revolution is unclear, but he tells his followers to trust him and he panders to their bigotries. No leader is perfect. Mistakes are inevitable. Step by step progress allows one to correct mistakes and go on. Anyway, that's what this dog thinks. What do you think with your big human brain?
Hi Humans,
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Hi Human Bernie Sanders,
So now you are making demands on the Democratic party leadership and platform. You have enough followers to maybe sabotage the party which might get Trump elected.You want to throw Barney Frank out of his position in the party. Really? Barney Frank has better progressive credentials than you do, Bernie. Personally, I don't think your "reforms" are so great. TPP and NAFTA will create more American jobs than they will lose. Free trade is a good thing. You don't have to annihilate Wall Street. It serves a real function. It just has to be educated to behave and share more. As for foreign policy, it would be nice if the US didn't have to get involved in other countries disputes, but unfortunately as the world leader that's not possible. It just has to be done with common sense and diplomacy. As for the US policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, "even handed" is buzz word used by people who don't like Israel and tilt against it no matter what (like "second amendment rights" for the NRA). I agree that the present elected Israeli government panders to settlers who put Israel at risk for the sake of nonsense, but it is the lack of compromise by the Palestinian leadership that has driven the Israeli public from left to right.
I would suggest taking Elizabeth Warren as your vice president to pull in the Bernie Sanders people with or without Bernie.
So now you are making demands on the Democratic party leadership and platform. You have enough followers to maybe sabotage the party which might get Trump elected.You want to throw Barney Frank out of his position in the party. Really? Barney Frank has better progressive credentials than you do, Bernie. Personally, I don't think your "reforms" are so great. TPP and NAFTA will create more American jobs than they will lose. Free trade is a good thing. You don't have to annihilate Wall Street. It serves a real function. It just has to be educated to behave and share more. As for foreign policy, it would be nice if the US didn't have to get involved in other countries disputes, but unfortunately as the world leader that's not possible. It just has to be done with common sense and diplomacy. As for the US policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, "even handed" is buzz word used by people who don't like Israel and tilt against it no matter what (like "second amendment rights" for the NRA). I agree that the present elected Israeli government panders to settlers who put Israel at risk for the sake of nonsense, but it is the lack of compromise by the Palestinian leadership that has driven the Israeli public from left to right.
I would suggest taking Elizabeth Warren as your vice president to pull in the Bernie Sanders people with or without Bernie.
Hi Humans,
Here is a Trump University diploma (from the College of "Second Amendment Rights").
Here is a Trump University diploma (from the College of "Second Amendment Rights").
Friday, May 27, 2016
Hi Humans,
So what are the issues in the US presidential election. One should continue the progress made by President Obama in domestic and foreign affairs. The economy should continue to improve. NAFTA, TPP, and other trade agreements between the US and other nations are essential to the economy. Income equality should be promoted as much as is practical so that all the citizens of the US can share in the good economy. The earth needs to be protected from the side effects of economic growth. Climate change is real, not some conspiracy theory. The world is threatened by terrorists without boundaries who use religion to justify evil agendas. Defeating them involves fighting them with ideas as well as guns and bombs. And sanity can defeat their insanity if the sane humans in this world can come together and put aside the nonsense that separates them. The clock is ticking before the crazies get their grubby hands on nuclear weapons. So the stakes are high in the elections. Which candidate is best equipped to meet the challenges? Trump is a xenophobic narcissist followed by gullible bigots and now joined by cowards who have jumped on the Trump train to save their personal interests. Bernie Sanders offers quick fixes to dreamers. Hillary Clinton is a realistic progressive with the best shot at doing things right for America and Humanity (and we dogs live here too). Let's hope that once we get past the California Primary, the Democrats and other rational humans can coalesce behind Hillary and win the election.
So what are the issues in the US presidential election. One should continue the progress made by President Obama in domestic and foreign affairs. The economy should continue to improve. NAFTA, TPP, and other trade agreements between the US and other nations are essential to the economy. Income equality should be promoted as much as is practical so that all the citizens of the US can share in the good economy. The earth needs to be protected from the side effects of economic growth. Climate change is real, not some conspiracy theory. The world is threatened by terrorists without boundaries who use religion to justify evil agendas. Defeating them involves fighting them with ideas as well as guns and bombs. And sanity can defeat their insanity if the sane humans in this world can come together and put aside the nonsense that separates them. The clock is ticking before the crazies get their grubby hands on nuclear weapons. So the stakes are high in the elections. Which candidate is best equipped to meet the challenges? Trump is a xenophobic narcissist followed by gullible bigots and now joined by cowards who have jumped on the Trump train to save their personal interests. Bernie Sanders offers quick fixes to dreamers. Hillary Clinton is a realistic progressive with the best shot at doing things right for America and Humanity (and we dogs live here too). Let's hope that once we get past the California Primary, the Democrats and other rational humans can coalesce behind Hillary and win the election.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Hi Humans,
Let me address the issue of Hillary's emails. It probably was poor judgment. But compare Hillary to the alternatives. Bernie and Donald are against the Trans Pacific Partnership and other international trade agreements to supposedly protect the jobs of American workers. But trade barriers go two ways. The reaction by other countries would actually cause the USA to lose more jobs than trade barriers would create. Also compare the email thing to Donald Trump's shady business dealings. Hillary's emails were for convenience. Donald Trump's shady businesses were for his greed. Putting aside all the crap, who will lead the USA forward to a better economy with incremental careful progressive improvements? That person is Hillary Clinton with or without her emails.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Hi Humans,
Now I am just a dog, but even I can see that Hillary Clinton is an infinitely better choice for president than Trump. Hillary is a moderate progressive with years of experience in foreign and domestic affairs. She will build on the progress of the Obama administration. She will continue to improve the greatness of America. She represents mainstream USA. She is strong.
Trump feeds on fear and bigotry. Theodore Roosevelt said one should speak softly and carry a big stick. Trump speaks loudly with a very small stick. His boasts are empty. He proposes to wall off Mexico, but his wall would actually wall in America. He proposes trade barriers to protect American jobs, but such barriers would actually destroy American jobs. Everything he says is to appeal to the gullible but would produce bad results. He appeals to pessimism, presents unfounded conspiracy theories, and promises voodoo solutions.
Vote for Hillary. She will make America even greater than it already is.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Hi Human Senator Bernie Sanders,
Seven years ago there were 2 great candidates running for president in the Democratic Primary. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. The Democrats chose Obama. When the results became obvious, Clinton conceded, wholeheartedly supported Obama, and became secretary of state in the Obama administration doing a fantastic job at it. She did not invent any conspiracy theories about why she lost. Obama won the election fair and square, and that was all there was to it.
Beside the facts that Hillary has the math on her side and you have given yourself an artificial handicap for the general election by calling yourself a socialist (whatever that really means), Hillary is better than you on the issues. Obama has done a wonderful job of repairing the economy since the Republican economic collapse. America needs to build on the work that Obama has done, not break the mold and hope that you can put the pieces back together again. Hillary has already adopted some of your ideas (maybe more than she should have). It is time for you to tell your supporters to coalesce behind the Democratic Party. Do you want history to blame you for giving the election to Trump?
Monday, May 23, 2016
Hi Humans,
I would like to refer you to an article that appeared yesterday on the Politico web site concerning Donald Trump's business dealings with mob connections. The link is http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-mob-organized-crime-213910
I'll let the article speak for itself.
I would like to refer you to an article that appeared yesterday on the Politico web site concerning Donald Trump's business dealings with mob connections. The link is http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-mob-organized-crime-213910
I'll let the article speak for itself.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Hi Humans,
Trump’s marriage to the NRA shows that he is either a gun anarchist or panders to them just as he has pandered to anyone he thinks can give him political points. Hillary Clinton consistently has promoted sane gun laws. The answer is obvious. Vote for Hillary!
Trump’s marriage to the NRA shows that he is either a gun anarchist or panders to them just as he has pandered to anyone he thinks can give him political points. Hillary Clinton consistently has promoted sane gun laws. The answer is obvious. Vote for Hillary!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Hi Humans,
Donald Trump is a liar. One example of his lies is his recent statement that he opposed the US involvement in the Libyan civil war. Yet there is a video of him urging US involvement in that war at that time. But it does not bother his followers. He lies all the time, but they believe him anyway. Hillary Clinton speaks the truth consistently, but Trump calls her a liar and they believe him. Even the Republicans who proclaimed how dangerous he is in the Primaries are now holding their noses and have joined the faithful. How can it be that so many of you Humans with your supposedly big brains can be so gullible, so stupid! I am just a dog, but I can see it. Why can't you?
Donald Trump is a liar. One example of his lies is his recent statement that he opposed the US involvement in the Libyan civil war. Yet there is a video of him urging US involvement in that war at that time. But it does not bother his followers. He lies all the time, but they believe him anyway. Hillary Clinton speaks the truth consistently, but Trump calls her a liar and they believe him. Even the Republicans who proclaimed how dangerous he is in the Primaries are now holding their noses and have joined the faithful. How can it be that so many of you Humans with your supposedly big brains can be so gullible, so stupid! I am just a dog, but I can see it. Why can't you?
Friday, May 20, 2016
Hi Human Trump,
So Trump, as soon as you heard about the tragic crash of the Egyptian Airliner on the way from Paris to Cairo, you immediately blurted out a political belch that you know that it was terrorism and Hillary Clinton did not speak the truth about it. You were implying that you were telling the truth and Hillary was being politically correct. Actually the truth is that Hillary Clinton and all responsible public figures are awaiting the findings of the experts before saying what they do not know for sure. It could very well have been terrorism, but that hasn't yet been determined. Blurting out an unverified opinion as though it were fact to gain political points over your opponent is amateurish and shows how unqualified you are to be the president. If you were president, is that how you would react in a crisis? America needs a cool headed leader who can keep the powder dry until a clear course of action is determined. That person has been President Obama and will soon be Hillary Clinton.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Hi Humans,
You American Humans have a court system to decide legal disputes, and the highest court in the USA is the Supreme Court. Of course, each political party wants judges sympathetic to their particular views on the Supreme Court. So now a vacancy has come up on the Supreme Court with the death of Antonin Scalia. President Obama (a Democrat) has nominated Judge Merrick Garland to replace him. The Senate is supposed to approve or disapprove the president's nominee, but the Republicans in the Senate refuse to consider Judge Garland because they are hoping that the new president will be a Republican and will nominate a judge with right wing views to rule in their favor on cases that come up. Judge Garland is a centrist who has a reputation for fairness, a perfect choice and a compromise between the points of view. Some candidates for president would nominate someone other than Judge Garland, someone who can pass their litmus test. Sanders wants a judge who will always rule to the left, and Trump wants a judge who will always rule to the right. That is not the way it is supposed to be. A judge should rule fairly on the particular issue at hand, someone like Judge Garland. That is one reason why President Obama is a great president, and why Hillary Clinton will make a great successor to Obama. She supports the choice of Judge Garland, a judge who will rule independently and does not have to pass a litmus test. Tell your senators to do their job and approve Judge Garland.
You American Humans have a court system to decide legal disputes, and the highest court in the USA is the Supreme Court. Of course, each political party wants judges sympathetic to their particular views on the Supreme Court. So now a vacancy has come up on the Supreme Court with the death of Antonin Scalia. President Obama (a Democrat) has nominated Judge Merrick Garland to replace him. The Senate is supposed to approve or disapprove the president's nominee, but the Republicans in the Senate refuse to consider Judge Garland because they are hoping that the new president will be a Republican and will nominate a judge with right wing views to rule in their favor on cases that come up. Judge Garland is a centrist who has a reputation for fairness, a perfect choice and a compromise between the points of view. Some candidates for president would nominate someone other than Judge Garland, someone who can pass their litmus test. Sanders wants a judge who will always rule to the left, and Trump wants a judge who will always rule to the right. That is not the way it is supposed to be. A judge should rule fairly on the particular issue at hand, someone like Judge Garland. That is one reason why President Obama is a great president, and why Hillary Clinton will make a great successor to Obama. She supports the choice of Judge Garland, a judge who will rule independently and does not have to pass a litmus test. Tell your senators to do their job and approve Judge Garland.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Hi Humans,
Many humans think that someone can wave a magic wand and make things happen. Frankentrump says leave it to me. Trust me. I can do it. I will make them all go away, all those foreigners, immigrants, people with a religion or point of you who threaten you and take your jobs. That's the answer to your problems. Bernie says your problem is simply all those oink oink Wall Street capitalists who serve no purpose other than robbing you. I'll make them go away and then everything will be just fine. But the reality is that the Wall Street capitalists, the foreigners, the immigrants, the people with various religions and points of view, and even us dogs and other creatures all serve a purpose in this world. Making us all go away won't make your life better even if it were possible to get rid of everyone and everything that bothers you. Politically and in life what is needed is to move forward realistically, carefully, thoughtfully, and purposefully as President Obama has been doing and as Hillary Clinton will do if you American humans really have the big brains you are supposed to have and elect her to be the president of the USA. This dog can see it. I hope you can.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Human Republicans
So now you have a presumptive nominee
whom you don’t really like, but you will hold your nose and support him. Well
it’s your fault for creating your Frankentrump. For some time, especially the
last 7 years of the Obama presidency, you have been cultivating a closet
bigotry that tied many blue collar white men to a Republican party that did not
represent their actual interests. You won’t consciously admit it, but when you
encouraged hatred of President Obama, you were unleashing racist ideas (like
questioning the American birth of the President). The idea of an intelligent
cultivated black man as president does not set well with less intellectual
white men who make up a significant part of the Republican constituents (as
demonstrated by the result of your primary election). Let us hope that Hillary
Clinton will beat your Frankentrump in the general election. Frankentrump can
then be locked back in his cage, the Republican party can un-radicalize back to
moderate constructive conservatism, and America can get back to normal two party
politics the next time around.
As a dog, I find your human politics
funny. However the outcome can be very serious and can even affect the rest of
us creatures on this earth.
Monday, May 16, 2016
As you probably know if you have been reading
my blog, I favor Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the USA. She has
been exposed to politics and statesmanship for years, first as the wife of a president,
then as a senator, and most importantly as Secretary of State. She served all
her jobs admirably. As Secretary of State she developed experience in foreign
relations. She knows and has the confidence of most of the leaders of the major
and many of the minor nations in the world. She has the skill to balance
statesmanship with military power. She has the ability to put things into
perspective. In domestic affairs she will continue the incremental careful
progress that President Obama has begun. It might sound boring, but I suggest
leaving the excitement to reality television and leaving the barking to us
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Hi Humans,
I want to talk about immigration today, both human and dog immigration. There were native American humans and domesticated dogs living here before the arrival of European humans and their dogs. Even the native American humans migrated from Eurasia many many thousands of years ago. How long dogs have been here is unknown, but there could not have been domesticated dogs before there were humans to whom they were domesticated. Immigration is normal and desirable. Immigrant humans are generally hard working, upwardly mobile, and energetic. After all they usually migrate for the purpose of making a better life for themselves and their descendants with great sacrifice for doing it, and therefore do not want to waste that effort frivolously. They bring energy to a nation and contribute greatly to the nation's prosperity. I don't know my exact ancestry, but we present day American dogs are probably mostly descended from immigrant dogs who came over with humans. We also bring value to America just as you humans do and are participants in this great American adventure. So, when humans like Trump say they want to put up barriers to immigration, he is not protecting American humans (or American dogs). He is promoting weakness and inhibiting progress.
I want to talk about immigration today, both human and dog immigration. There were native American humans and domesticated dogs living here before the arrival of European humans and their dogs. Even the native American humans migrated from Eurasia many many thousands of years ago. How long dogs have been here is unknown, but there could not have been domesticated dogs before there were humans to whom they were domesticated. Immigration is normal and desirable. Immigrant humans are generally hard working, upwardly mobile, and energetic. After all they usually migrate for the purpose of making a better life for themselves and their descendants with great sacrifice for doing it, and therefore do not want to waste that effort frivolously. They bring energy to a nation and contribute greatly to the nation's prosperity. I don't know my exact ancestry, but we present day American dogs are probably mostly descended from immigrant dogs who came over with humans. We also bring value to America just as you humans do and are participants in this great American adventure. So, when humans like Trump say they want to put up barriers to immigration, he is not protecting American humans (or American dogs). He is promoting weakness and inhibiting progress.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Hi Humans who love Trump,
Trump refuses to disclose his tax returns. He must be hiding something. He says he is very rich and pays as little tax as possible. Now tell me blue collar male "middle class" Human Trump lovers. I imagine you pay taxes. You grumble and complain about it, but you pay. Do you think Trump really wants to bring all of you guys with him through his tax loopholes so that you can join him in low tax Nirvana? If he does that, where will the money come from for the bigger stronger military that Trump is promising (actually it is already the biggest and strongest in the world). It costs money to "make America great again" (it actually is great again since President Obama restored the American economy). Trump could borrow the money like the Bush Republican administration did to finance the Iraq war until the economy collapsed 7 years ago leaving the mess for Obama to clean up. So Trump lovers, you don't get a free lunch in this world. Trump might be exciting. He verbalizes all those bad ideas you have been hiding in the closet. But in the end you will pay for your Trump if he were to actually become president.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Human Trump,
You said 4 or 5 months ago that you want to ban Moslems from
entering the US until you can figure out what is going on, and as far as I can
tell you still haven’t figured it out. President Obama has figured it out. Hillary
Clinton has figured it out. Bernie Sanders has figured it out. The US
intelligence services have figured it out. Even some of your Republican
colleagues have figured it out (although other Republicans seem to have
forgotten what they figured out since you have become the presumptive
Republican nominee). I’m just a dog and I have figured it out. So if you can’t
figure out what so many others have had no problem figuring out, how can you
claim to be qualified to be the next president of the USA? Donald, to be
president you need to be able to figure things out.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Hi Humans,
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are pragmatic progressives. Hillary believes America is great and will build on the progress that has been moving forward the past 7 years. Sanders and Trump are iconoclasts. They view a great evil in America that needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. For Sanders the evil is in the great corporations. But the reality is that the corporations have a function and need to be tamed, not destroyed. His supporters are young and naïve. For Trump the evil is in foreigners in and outside of the US. His supporters are largely unhappy white males who fear humans of different race, religion, accents, sex, in other words anyone different from themselves in any way. The challenge for Hillary is to bring together the majority of Americans in the center who are happy and want to increase their happiness.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Hi Humans,
President Obama has proposed Merrick Garland to replace Antonin Scalia in the Supreme Court. Mr. Garland is a judge who has a reputation for fairness and ruling according to the merits of the case and not according to politics. Bernie Sanders says he would support him, but if he were president he would appoint a more progressive judge. Donald Trump says he would appoint a judge who is pro-gun. They are both essentially saying that they want to pack the Supreme Court with judges who have already decided future cases in favor one political side or the other. Judges are supposed to decide fairly without being politically correct. That is the thinking of President Obama and Hillary Clinton. That is why Judge Garland should be approved.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Hi Humans,
In this upcoming election, the Humans of America will have a choice. Hillary Clinton offers reason and truth. Bernie Sanders offers fantasy. Donald Trump offers bigotry and demagoguery. Hopefully the American people will vote for reason and truth (as they did when they elected President Obama).
In this upcoming election, the Humans of America will have a choice. Hillary Clinton offers reason and truth. Bernie Sanders offers fantasy. Donald Trump offers bigotry and demagoguery. Hopefully the American people will vote for reason and truth (as they did when they elected President Obama).
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Hi Human Trump,
You say you want to "make America great again." Actually, President Obama already made America great again after the Republican economic fiasco. Obama saved the economy, has incrementally increased the employment rate, and has made America strong militarily and geopolitically. What America needs now is Hillary Clinton as president to build on what Obama has already done (hopefully with a new Congress which will work with her). You threaten to tear down what has been accomplished without any clear plan to repair your damage.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Hi Humans,
President Obama rescued the economy after a man made disaster created by the preceding administration. Since then he has rebuilt the economy, created jobs, and run a pragmatic successful foreign policy. He has accomplished all of this despite an obstructive Congress, difficult adversaries (also sometimes friends), and elusive terrorists. Hillary Clinton is the human to do the job of continuing Obama's work and building on his accomplishments. Trump is an incompetent bigoted buffoon who would return America to chaos if enough American people where so gullible as to elect him.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hi Humans,
So it looks like the human Republicans will nominate Trump as their candidate. I find it difficult to believe that any of you humans with your big brains could be so gullible as to fall for such an obvious demagogue. He blusters nonsense and you call that strength. He claims he will make the US military strong again, but the US military is already the strongest it has ever been. He puts American soldiers at risk by insulting the allies of the USA. When asked about his plan, he says he does not want to give up his information to the enemy (in other words he does not have a plan). He says he will make America great again. But the American economy is much greater now than it was when President Obama inherited the economic collapse caused by the Republican economic policy (lowering taxes for the richest humans at the expense of the middle class humans and creating a purposeless war without making a tax to pay for it). For all their talk about fiscal responsibility, the Republicans are the biggest spenders of all.
So if you Humans have the big brains you are supposed to have, the choice between Clinton and Trump should be obvious. Clinton is an intelligent, articulate, and experienced former senator and secretary of state well known to and respected by the allies as well as the adversaries of the USA. Trump is a huckster and a clown. Worst of all he thinks he is smart but is actually stupid.
I hope the general human population of the USA is not as gullible as those who voted to nominate Trump. If a dog like me can see that, why can't you Humans with your big brains see it?
Monday, May 2, 2016
Hi Humans,
You humans have this thing called trade which you have been developing for thousands of years. Now some of the candidates for President of the USA say they want to limit free trade because they say it is the reason for unemployment in the USA. Both Trump and Sanders are against the Trans-Pacific partnership. President Obama is for it. Listen Humans, during the last 7 years the available jobs have increased. Unemployment is not just a matter of jobs going overseas or immigrants taking jobs. Unemployment is also because of new technology. Last week Mom and Dad went to the hardware store to make a copy of a key. Not so long ago, one would give the key to a human who would make the key. Now there is instead a machine. the customer sticks the old key into one slot and a credit card into another. Then click click and out pops a new key. Now should not stop technological advance in order to keep jobs. Humans need to learn new skills to get the new jobs. If you are an unemployed human with an old unwanted skill, you need to learn a new skill. Trade barriers in the USA will stimulate trade barriers elsewhere which would result in a loss of jobs. What the US government needs to do is invest in training workers for the skills required for the new jobs. Someone who is willing to retrain or move to a new location can find work. The others support Trump (and maybe Sanders).
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Hi Humans,
Did you watch President Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner last night on television. Not only is he a competent leader, but he also has a great sense of humor. He was actually funnier than the professional comedian who followed him. They had a panel of critics reviewing his speech on T.V. Even the Republican critics thought he was tasteful and really funny. Unfortunately this is Obama's last year in office. None of the candidates for president seem to have his sense of humor, but they are all funny in their own ways (at least as portrayed on Saturday Night Live).
We dogs have senses of humor more or less. Since we don't speak human language, we can't express our humor to you. But being around you guys, we have picked up all your habits. You can't tell which barks are serious and which are funny, but we can tell the difference. When I go out in the dog run and start barking to my fellow dogs in the neighborhood, often I am telling jokes, and the other dogs bark back their jokes. Some dog barks really crack me up, and others leave me flat.
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