Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

NRA Controls Doctor Patient Relation in Florida

Hi Humans,
Did you know that in the State of Florida it is illegal for a physician to ask a patient if he owns a gun unless the question directly relates to the personal illness of the patient. That law does not apply to other illnesses that can affect other humans in the community like syphilis, AIDS, alcohol consumption, or use of illegal drugs, but the NRA even controls the doctor patient relationship when it comes to guns. This exists because of the desire of the gun lobby to do anything to maintain a gun anarchy and the stupidity of you humans in allowing it. We dogs would be more rational if we were in charge.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

NRA Gun Anarchy Does Not Equal Freedom

Hi Humans,
A shooting has occurred at the Delaware State University. Three people were injured. Fortunately this time there were no deaths. Gun homicides and injuries are much too common in the United States. Yet the NRA still promotes gun anarchy. They equate gun ownership with "freedom." Anarchy does not equal freedom! The gun bullies are anarchists. Humans, you need freedom from the gun anarchists. When are you humans going to wake up? We dogs would never be so gullible.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hooray for No Gun Stores

Hi Humans,
Hooray for Safeway, Costco, Target, and Whole Foods for supporting a no gun policy in their stores. Shame on Kroger for their open carry gun policy.
So where are you going to shop?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Protect the Police and the Public

Hi Humans,
There are have been many incidents in the news lately about police shooting people who turned out to be innocent, or if guilty of a crime not actually threatening the police officer. The result has been unnecessary tragic deaths. If you listen to MSNBC, it sounds like the police are out of control and terrorizing the public in certain communities because of racism. If you listen to Fox News, it sounds like the police are being wrongly accused and are simply defending themselves in communities that are out of control. But the most important factor in most of these tragedies seems to be passed over, namely they usually involve GUNS!!! There are just too many guns on the street because in the USA there is a lack of sane gun control. If guns were not so prevalent, police would not have to so often decide between shooting an innocent civilian or risk being shot. Yes, in some cases racism is involved. Police need to be properly trained. Racist and crazy police need to be weeded out. Most police officers are sane and not racist. But they can be faced with difficult decisions between staying alive and doing no harm. Let's protect the police and the public. Defy the NRA! We need sane gun laws to keep guns off the streets.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Crimes Against Humanity

Hi Humans,
Our family recently received a ballot from a mutual fund which we own. Actually Mom and Dad own it since I am just a dog and have no say about it. Anyway besides the usual voting for officers and functional propositions, there was a proposition that the fund should not invest in any countries that commit "crimes against humanity." The management as usual advised voting for the slate of officers and most of the proposals but opposed the crimes against humanity one. Now on the surface opposing crimes against humanity sounds like a good thing to support even if it does leave out dogs. Also as a slightly Left of Center dog, I can be skeptical about the motives of Wall Street managers other than making money (not a bad motive when it is our money invested). But from a moral point of view, in this instance I still side with the managers of the fund on this one because there can be differences of opinion as to what is a crime against humanity. Actions considered defense by one human might be considered aggression by another. Some countries are branded criminals by some people who can find no wrong in the actions of others no matter how horrific. The most vocal humans on the subject might not be the ones with which one agrees. So, I can't see handing over one's decision as what is criminal and deserves boycott to some committee with which one might not agree.