Hi Humans,

Don't be shy. If you want to comment on my blog entries, please do so. You don't have to be a dog to say what you think. or if you have a pet dog and want to have your dog speak for you, that's also OK. I would like to hear from you or your dog.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Murder is Murder

Hi Humans,
Animal predators kill other animals for food. Fate has given them bodies that depend on eating other animals for food (survival). Humans kill for sport or for causes. Take the murderer in Belgium who recently killed 3 people at the Jewish Museum. He probably thinks he did a good deed. He obviously does not like Jews. He is guilty of murder, and the people who filled him with hatred as an excuse for murder are also guilty. Gun violence is not unique to the USA. Europe has as many criminals and crazy people as the USA and more anti-Semitism and ingrained hatred of people they perceive as other than themselves. Shootings by the insane occur less often there only because it is more difficult (although apparently not impossible) to obtain a gun there. Whatever the reason, murder is murder.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Does the Second Amendment Really Mean?

Hi Humans,
Scott Wilk, the NRA, and the gun bullies hide behind the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, claiming that gun control is contrary to that amendment.
Well, this is what the Second Amendment says:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
The state militias today are the National Guard. So it says a person who serves in the National Guard should keep and bear arms as part of his or her service in the National Guard. Mr. Wilk and his fellow gun bullies ignore "A well regulated militia," and interpret "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" to mean anyone (including the insane) can own and carry around any number of firearms of any severity including assault rifles that can rapidly fire multiple rounds in succession so that they can kill many people quickly. Unfortunately that is necessary for soldiers to use in time of war. But for individual private citizens to own them does not add to "the security of a free state." On the contrary, it allows criminals and crazy people to have easy access to military type weapons, putting the law abiding normal people of a free state in danger, thereby limiting their freedom. It also adds danger to the police who have to deal with the criminals and screwballs. The gun bullies even oppose research into the problem of gun mass murders because they are afraid of what it might find.
Stronger background checks are needed. All guns need to be in a national registry, and the transfer of any gun by sale or gift should be registered and scrutinized carefully. Anyone owning a gun should be subjected to a search of his or her records for a history of mental illness or criminal activity. A gun owner should be held liable for any crime committed with his or her gun as well as the person who commits the crime. An amendment to the Constitution is needed to clarify the Second Amendment, limiting it to state militias, not private individuals.
Keep America safe! Stand up to the NRA and the State and Federal representatives who pander to the gun bullies.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Massacre in California by a Gun Screwball

Hi Humans,
Another gun massacre has happened because a screwball was able to buy a gun and go on a rampage. This time it was near Santa Barbara in our state of California. At last report 7 people were killed. And Scott Wilk, our state assembly representative, asks if we are for or against the Second Amendment. That's code for supporting gun anarchy. We need strong gun control to protect the citizens of California. Vote Wilk out of office! Stand up to the NRA!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Twisting Words

Hi Humans,
You humans sometimes twist language to make something sound the way you want it to sound instead of to communicate. For example, look at the web site of Wilk, the state representative of the district for Porter Ranch , California where I reside. If you want to contact Mr. Wilk online, you have to check off the subject about which you are inquiring. If you look for gun control, you will not find it. Instead you must choose between for or against the Second Amendment (which actually provides for a state militia, not guns for everyone). That signals to his constituents who wish easy access to guns, that he is with them. But he hopes that will blunt the message to those of us who want sensible gun laws. Wilk thinks he can hide behind the Second Amendment. Citizens of Porter Ranch, stand up for your right to be safe from screwballs with easy access to guns! Stand up to the NRA! Vote Wilk out of office!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Porter Ranch Wake Up


Hi Citizens of Porter Ranch,
I am a resident of the Porter Ranch community in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I can't vote because I am just a dog. But if you are a human U.S. citizen, and you live in Porter Ranch, then you can vote. There is a big sign on an empty lot across from the Porter Ranch shopping center advertising Scott Wilk and nothing can be seen in the neighborhood about any of his opponents. You would think he is the only one running. I recommend Jorge Fuentes or anyone other than Wilk. Wilk on his web site asks if you are for or against the Second Amendment. That is code for opposition to gun control. Why does he not say plainly are you for or against gun control? The NRA, Wilk, and the gun bullies try to hide behind the Second Amendment to the Constitution. There are two interpretations of the Second Amendment. Wilk and his pro-gun cronies claim that it means no regulation of guns (and if some screwball buys a gun at a gun show or on the internet or from a friend and goes out to shoot up a school or a movie theater that is less important than the fun they derive from their toys or the money they make from selling them). Actually the Second Amendment provides for each state to raise a militia which we now call the National Guard. That is different from the gun anarchy that the gun bullies advocate. Wilkism is not in the interest of an urban community like Porter Ranch. Wake up citizens of Porter Ranch and throw the rascal out.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Election in California District 38

Hi Humans,
Do you live in California State Assembly District 38 (includes Simi Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, and Porter Ranch)? If so, I urge you to vote for Mr. Jorge Salomon Fuentes in the upcoming election for State Assemblymember. His priorities are food, housing, transportation, environment, education, and family. He is an electrical engineer. That takes brains.
His opponent is Scott Wilk, the present assemblymember. Wilk on his web site site asks whether one is for or against the Second Amendment. That is code for opposition to gun control. Mr. Wilk appears to be a tool of the NRA. So this little dog says, "Vote the rascal out of government!!! Any hint of protection from assault rifles in the hands of any screwball who wants to buy them is attacked by the gun bullies who hide behind the Second Amendment. I know I'm just a little diabetic dog, but I know what I am talking about.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Guns Outside or Inside

Hi Humans,
I see in the news that the NRA and other gun bullies tried to challenge a New Jersey law that prevents individual humans from carrying guns outside of their homes except in certain circumstances. The NRA wants to turn the USA into a gun anarchy like Somalia. Actually, guns should be heavily taxed and regulated. All guns should be registered with the police (with a regular fee). All transfers of guns whether by sale or by gift should be registered with the police and should involve a significant tax. If a gun is lost for any reason, it should be reported immediately to the police. The registered owner of a gun should be held liable for any crime committed by that gun. We need to curb gun addiction. Gun addicts should be incarcerated in centers for psychiatric treatment.